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Oxycodone Rehab, Detox and Recovery

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment: Detox, Rehab and Recovery

When a person suffers from an Oxycodone addiction, both detox and rehab are essential for them to recover. Sadly, there are many people who continually abuse this drug, and the combination of these two types of treatment tends to result in the best outcomes.

Oxycodone is one of the more popular prescription painkillers on the market. Because of that, it is frequently prescribed – both long-term and short-term – to treat pain. A lot of people get addicted to it accidentally because they have taken it for too long. Quite often, these individuals are unaware of the drug’s addictive potential. But it is also a drug that people abuse recreationally.

Regardless of how someone gets addicted to Oxycodone, it is very important for them to recover properly. Doing so can be challenging, but it is easier when the individual has the right kind of support. A rehabilitation program that addresses both the physical and the mental parts of the addiction is critical.

Oxycodone Addiction Information

Step One: Detoxing From Oxycodone

The very first step in the recovery process when a person is addicted to this drug is to go through Oxycodone detox. This is important because it is essential to rid the body of toxins that are related to the drug.

Quite often, people assume that because Oxycodone is available by prescription, that must mean it is safe. That is not true at all. This drug is actually very close to heroin, chemically, and it can be just as difficult to stop using it.

When a person stops taking Oxycodone, they will go through withdrawal. Detox addresses those symptoms and helps to make them more bearable. In fact, some of them may be eliminated completely with the right course of treatment.

Drug detox is a very broad term that refers to the removal of dangerous toxins from the body. There are various types of treatments that may be recommended for someone who is addicted to Oxycodone. We will discuss what they are in more detail in just a moment.

One of the worst withdrawal symptoms that a person experiences when stopping Oxycodone is cravings. Detoxing helps to address those cravings and it can make quitting much easier, both physically and mentally. It does take a little bit of time, of course; just like it took time to form the addiction in the first place. But once the detoxification process is completed, people typically feel a lot better.

It is common for people to view detox as an optional treatment. Sometimes they believe that for them, willpower is enough to get them through. But what they do not realize is that opioid withdrawal can come with potential complications; some of which can even be fatal.

When a person is detoxing off Oxycodone, they are at risk for experiencing serious issues, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive vomiting
  • Aspiration
  • Increased blood sodium levels
  • Heart failure

There have even been those who have had seizures or experienced other issues when they skipped the detox process.

The biggest possible complication is the risk of dehydration because of diarrhea and vomiting. Drug detox lessens the risks involved and it helps to ensure that the person is able to get off the drug safely.

Oxycodone belongs to a classification of drugs called opioids. They are typically used to treat pain, but there are some other issues as well. Opioids are narcotics, or controlled substances, because of their high risk of abuse and addiction.

When a person stops using Oxycodone, they put themselves at risk for significant withdrawal symptoms. The same is true for all drugs with this classification. Some of the most common opioid withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Body aches and pains
  • Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
  • A runny nose
  • Yawning
  • Hot or cold sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Increased eye tearing
  • Goosebumps

Several of these symptoms are merely an inconvenience, and a person may be able to simply overlook them. But others can quickly become problematic, and even lead to possible complications.

The withdrawal timeline for Oxycodone can vary depending on the type of drug a person is taking. For a person who is taking the extended release version of the medication, it might take a little longer to detox from it.

Typically, stopping the use of this drug follows this timeframe:

  • Symptoms Begin – People usually start feeling symptoms within six to twelve hours after their last dose. When someone is taking the extended release formulation, it generally takes longer to begin experiencing withdrawal.
  • Symptoms Worsen – Over the next two or three days, symptoms tend to get much worse. There may be new symptoms that appear that were not there when the withdrawal started.
  • Symptoms Peak – Right around 72 hours after the last dose, the individual will reach the peak of withdrawal. They may have all of the symptoms on the above list, and it can be very difficult to keep from using to get some relief.
  • Symptoms Improve – After the peak, the body is still in the process of recovering, but symptoms tend to get much better. Many of them will disappear; almost overnight. As time goes on, the individual should continue to feel more like themselves.
  • Protracted Withdrawal or PAWS – When it comes to opioid drugs like Oxycodone, a high percentage of people experience protracted withdrawal or post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This means that their symptoms return without any warning, and this can happen even months after their last dose. There are some people who are at risk for PAWS for as long as two years after their last dose.

Types of Drug Detox Programs

While drug detox is not a one-size-fits-all type of treatment, there are some forms of it that are considered safer than others. First and foremost, please know that it should only be done on an inpatient basis. That is because of the risk of complications and the need to monitor people in a medical setting.

Doctors will assess every person individually to determine the best type of detox for them. But typically, they choose between the following programs; although there may be some combinations that are more helpful than any one form of treatment alone.

Medical detox is a form of treatment that is commonly used for people who need to detox from Oxycodone. When someone is recommended for it, they are given medications to help with their withdrawal symptoms. For instance, someone who is undergoing medical detox may be prescribed any of the following:

  • An antidepressant medication
  • benzodiazepine to help with anxiety
  • A different, non-addictive medication for pain
  • An anticonvulsant if they are at risk for seizures
  • An anti-nausea drug to help with nausea and vomiting
  • A medication to help with diarrhea

Some of the drugs that are used with medical detox can be addictive. It is important that they only be used short-term to help with withdrawals. Once the symptoms have subsided, they are usually discontinued.

Medication assisted treatment (MAT) is a form of detox that is often used for people who are addicted to drugs like Oxycodone. This is also known as opioid replacement therapy, or ORT. This involves giving the patient medications that have been FDA approved to specifically treat this type of withdrawal.

A lot of experts criticize MAT because they say that really, a person is just trading one addiction for another. That is why it is so important for them to be carefully monitored while they receive treatment. ORT drugs can be addictive on their own because they are also opioid medications. Their addictive potential is much less than Oxycodone, but people can still misuse them.

Some of the more common types of drugs that are recommended for MAT include:

There is a new alternative to the above medications that many experts believe could change MAT forever. It is called Vivitrol, and this drug is given once every 30 days by injection. It is not an opioid medication, and it has not been found to be addictive in any way. It works by helping to minimize and control withdrawal symptoms, and the individual has to be participating in a counseling program during treatment.

Holistic detox is a form of treatment that is commonly used alongside medical detox and MAT. It involves making some natural changes to the way a person lives their life in order to help with detoxing the body.

There are several different methods that are commonly used during holistic detox. The first goal is usually to have the individual meet with a nutrition therapist to talk about their diet. Typically, addicts are deficient in many of the most critical vitamins and nutrients because of the food they eat. As a result, their liver and kidneys are under a great deal of stress, and they do not detox the body the way they should. Making some dietary changes can help with that.

Additional forms of treatment that may be used during holistic detox include Yoga, meditation and exercise. When all of them are combined, people usually feel better a lot faster than if they would have detoxed on their own.

It makes sense that rapid detox would be a very popular form of treatment for someone who wants to get off Oxycodone. But the problem is that it is not always the safest method.

Rapid detox involves going under general anesthesia while IV medications are given. The medications move toxins out of the body very quickly. Many people are finished in about an hour.

While this sounds like it might be the best way to get past painful withdrawal, there are possible complications. If the body is made to detox too quickly, symptoms can linger for a very long time. Usually, the patient needs to be kept overnight for observation, and they may need to take a drug like Naltrexone for a long period of time.

In this day and age, everyone wants everything to be handled quickly. That simply is not the best way to go about drug detox. Rapid detoxification can be dangerous, and most experts agree that it is best to take the body through the process slowly instead.

As we mentioned earlier, outpatient detox is a form of treatment that may not be safe for most people. There are programs that offer it on an outpatient basis, but those individuals are at risk for complications.

Typically, the individual will take medications to help with detoxing every day, but they will still live at home. Because they are not being medically monitored in an inpatient setting, anything could happen. It is not uncommon for people to suffer from relapses because quite often, they still have access to their drugs.

Detoxing From Oxycodone at Home

It is not surprising that a large number of people would rather try to quit on their own than enter into an inpatient program for detox. They usually promise their friends and family that they will try it on their own first. If it does not work, at that point, they will commit to professional treatment.

There are several different ways that people try to detox from drugs at home, but please keep in mind that they are not recommended.

There are several home remedies that people use for drug detox at home. Some of them can work quite well, but again, there is always the risk of significant complications.

For instance, people will often turn to:

  • Over the counter medications to treat pain
  • Using cold compresses to help with sweating
  • Drinking a lot of water and other fluids to flush out toxins
  • St. John’s Wort to help with issues like depression, insomnia and even diarrhea
  • Eating bland foods to cut down on the risk of an upset stomach

People will even use chiropractic care, acupuncture or other techniques to help them get through withdrawal.

Many of the natural withdrawal treatments that are suggested are good for the body. They help to contribute to a person’s overall health and well-being. But they should not be used for withdrawals. There are just too many risks involved with the possibility of complications.

Drug detox kits and drinks can be found almost everywhere. A lot of pharmacies carry them, and they can be purchased online as well. People often do not realize that for many of these products, their purpose is to help people pass drug tests. They are not actually good to use for detoxing from drugs.

In addition, drug detox kits and drinks are very expensive. They are not covered by insurance because they are not FDA approved.

There is absolutely no problem (generally) with using the cold turkey quitting method to stop smoking marijuana or cigarettes. But the same is not true for those who need to get off Oxycodone. Even so, many people turn to this method first.

When a person has been taking Oxycodone for a long period of time, their body has gotten used to it. It has come to expect its regular dose every single day. When it suddenly stops, the body does not know how to respond, except to go through withdrawal.

Cold turkey quitters have an even higher risk of possible complications because of opioid withdrawal. This method should be avoided at all costs.

There are many other methods that people use to get off opioids like Oxycodone as well. Some will turn to marijuana, which is essentially just trading one addiction for another, as we mentioned previously.

There is also a large number of people who may turn to a drug called Kratom to help themselves get off opioids. This is a plant that grows in southeast Asia, and it has been labeled an opioid by many experts, including the FDA. It does have addictive properties, but it has been reported that it helps to greatly minimize withdrawals.

It makes sense that taking another drug would help with withdrawal, but that is not the answer. It is only a way to form a secondary addiction that would then need to be recovered from as well.

Step Two: Oxycodone Rehab

Once a person has gone through the detoxification process, they are then ready to take the next step and go to rehab. Many rehabs actually include detox services, which makes it easy for people to get both types of treatment under the same roof.

Oxycodone Addiction Information

Once a person finishes detox, it may be tempting for them to skip rehab and just go home. They feel a lot better by that point, and they may not think that they need any more treatment. This is how a lot of people end up relapsing and putting themselves at risk for an overdose.

Oxycodone Rehabilitation Program Options

There are many different types of drug rehab programs, and not all of them are a good fit for every person. It is important to know what is available prior to making a decision. An individual has a much better chance of doing well with treatment when they opt for a program that is a good fit.

Inpatient addiction treatment requires the patient to enter into a facility for about 28 days. Some programs may be longer, or some may be shorter. During that time, they will go through the detox process, and then move on to rehab afterwards.

Inpatient rehab is usually the most highly recommended form of treatment. It provides a lot of support, and includes:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Relapse prevention planning
  • Alternate forms of therapy such as equine therapy or art and music therapy

The reality is that there are some people who cannot commit to an inpatient program. Because of that, they often believe that there is no way for them to get the help they need to recover. That is not the case at all.

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) can be a great way for people to go through addiction treatment. The patient can live at home, go to work, attend school, and care for their family. Many IOPs are run during the evening hours, which is very convenient.

There is a time commitment involved with IOPs. They typically run for about 12 weeks, and people are required to attend the program three to five times a week for several hours each session. Even so, they can be just as effective as inpatient treatment.

Outpatient rehab is another option that people have available to them. But it might not be the right fit for someone who has never been through treatment before. It involves working with a therapist on a one on one basis. Some may offer group therapy, but the vast majority of them do not.

This form of treatment may also be referred to as sober living. It is necessary for those who have not done well in an inpatient setting in the past. Long-term rehab gives people more time to recover when they need it. Many of them allow the resident to stay for several months. They may be required to obtain their own, outpatient treatment, and they often work with a case manager.

Co-Occurring Disorders and Dual Diagnosis Treatment

co-occurring disorder is a mental health issue that oftentimes contributes to or causes substance abuse or addiction. Many people with Oxycodone addictions suffer from mental health problems, and the vast majority of them do not realize it. They take the drug because it helps with their symptoms, and before long, they end up addicted to it.

Someone who is addicted to Oxycodone could be suffering from any of the following:

Dual diagnosis treatment ensures that both conditions are treated at the same time. This is critical because if the co-occurring disorder is not treated, the individual is likely to go back to using.

Paying For Drug Treatment

One of the biggest concerns people have about going to drug treatment is the cost. They do now know how they will ever afford the cost of both detox and rehab; let alone even one of them. As a result, they may try quitting cold turkey, or another quitting method we mentioned earlier.

When it comes to addiction recovery, there are costs involved, but there is so much that people often do not understand.

The cost of Oxycodone detox and rehab is going to vary for every person who seeks treatment. That is because what one individual needs, another one might not need. It can cost several thousand dollars to enter into a high quality drug treatment program. But much of the cost is usually covered through insurance.

Health insurance companies are required by law to provide benefits to help pay for drug treatment. That includes both detox and rehab. The Affordable Care Act makes this possible, and it has allowed so many more people to get the help they need to recover.

There is no way to tell how much a health insurance company will pay prior to starting treatment. The best way to find out is to have the individual’s insurance verified by the program. They have ways to maximize their benefits so they pay as little out of pocket as possible.

There are also free drug treatment programs available. This is made possible because of grants from SAMHSA. Every year, money is set aside for those who need addiction treatment, but who cannot afford it. This is a great option for a person who does not have health insurance, and whose other financial options are limited.

Is Treatment the Best Choice for Anyone Who is Addicted to Oxycodone?

Most experts agree that professional drug detox and rehab are the best approaches for someone who is addicted to Oxycodone. But the truth is that it is not right for everyone. There are other types of programs that can work as well.

Narcotics Anonymous is a program that has been around for many years. It was started in 1955 as a way to provide a group therapy setting for people with drug addictions. There is no cost to attend, and the meetings are held every week.

NA meetings can provide a lot of insight into a person’s substance abuse problem. Participants learn from one another and they grow to depend on each other for support.

SMART Recovery is not a 12-Step program. Instead, it provides a common sense approach to addiction recovery. They teach people how to combat negative thinking patterns in their lives so that recovering is possible. Members have access to some effective tools that they can put to use right away to help themselves be successful.

The Importance of Aftercare

One of the most important aspects of recovering from an addiction is getting adequate aftercare. This looks very different for everyone, but it is vital for every individual to follow the recommendations that they are given after rehab is over.

Many people start recovering from their addictions by going through an inpatient program. After that is over, they may move on to an IOP, or to an outpatient rehab facility. Eventually, they may begin attending Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery meetings.

Unfortunately, an Oxycodone addiction cannot be cured through detox and rehab. It requires a wholehearted commitment to continually getting help and support.

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

Oxycodone Addiction Recovery is Possible – Get Help Today

For someone who is struggling with an Oxycodone addiction, recovery can seem so far away. They may even begin to think it is impossible. We want you to know that it is not, and that with the right type of support, you can recover successfully. Your life can be full and meaningful and free of any type of substance abuse problem whatsoever.

At Northpoint Washington, our staff have worked with many people who all suffered from Oxycodone addiction. They understand exactly what is needed to recover.

The fact is that recovering from any type of addiction is a process. It is something that takes time, but with the right level of focus, determination and support, it can be done.

Do you have further questions about Oxycodone addiction treatment that you need to have answered? Are you interested in learning more about rehab and detox? Please contact us today so we can answer all of your questions.

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