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Adams, Seattle Addiction Rehab Resources

Adams, Seattle, WA Addiction Resource Guide

This addiction recovery resource page is for Adams, Seattle in Washington State.

Across the country and in the state of Washington, addiction problems have swept through. One of the major problems is the opioid epidemic which have caused more accidental deaths than car crashes. As Adams is so close to the city of Seattle, there is greater exposure to the drug problem.

There are other drug problems that exist in Adams, Seattle too. Meth, alcohol, and heroin are all major problems in the are. Not only are they deadly but they are all also highly addictive. There are many drug and alcohol addiction resources in Adams, Seattle. Addiction is a treatable illness but you’ll need professional help. The withdrawal is challenging so you’ll need the tools to help you get past them. Your family and loved ones alone can’t be the one who help you with addiction recovery.

The addiction resources at your fingertips include doctor, counselors, and full service facilities. There are many different types of addiction programs in Adams, Seattle. In the Seattle area, there are well over 100 inpatient and outpatient programs. They range in price, quality of service, and intensity. It doesn’t matter what your financial situation is, there is an option for addiction recovery for you. We will go through your options and let you know the various stages of recovery in this Adams, Seattle addiction recovery guide.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Adams, Seattle

You have many options for drug rehab in Adams, Seattle. It’s important to get the help you need through some kind of rehab program. There are many different  methods used to help you with addiction recovery in Adams, Seattle. Did you know you’re 60% more likely to fully recover from addiction with professional help as opposed to trying to get off drugs or alcohol on your own? The multi-tiered system of a rehab program brings together medical, psychological, and peer support. Here are the addiction treatment options:

Inpatient programs are thought to be the best option. Being in a residential setting is helpful because addicts can avoid triggers. There is no access to the substances they’re addicted to so even if there are cravings, there is no way to relapse. There are a lot of treatments that will be implemented on a daily basis. This is true immersion into addiction recovery. You can often begin with detox in an inpatient facility. This usually lasts 5-7 days. Once you’ve successfully detoxed, you’ll move onto rehab. This is a program that usually lasts up to 28. Some of the programs might be more specialized and last longer. 

When you opt to do an inpatient rehab program, you’ll be working with counselors on a daily basis. You’ll also partake in group meetings so you can connect with your peers. There are nutritional, exercise, and mindfulness components as well. This will help bring the mind and body back into balance. You learn how to manage your triggers so relapse is far less likely.

Once you’ve made it through a rehab program, you might decide to go into a sober living arrangement. This is to help you get back on your feet and take the transition from rehab into real life again. There will be others around you that are going through the same thing so you have support. You have more freedom in this program, choosing what treatments and counseling sessions you want to attend.

An outpatient rehab program is the most common. Government subsidized rehab is almost always an outpatient program. They are very flexible so you can continue to work as you get addiction recovery help. It is helpful for those who have already been through rehab or are just dealing with a mild addiction. As it’s so flexible, the addict is more exposed to triggers that could cause relapse. 

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) sits between inpatient rehab and normal outpatient programs. The treatment is similar to the inpatient program but you get to stay in your home. This makes it more cost effective and you’re still able to work. The treatment and counseling sessions are much longer than an outpatient program and they are more frequent. 

We can help you figure out what rehab treatment in Adams, Seattle is best suited for you. We can answer whatever questions you have and verify your insurance.

The first part of addiction recovery is getting drugs or alcohol out of your body. This is what the detox process is. When drugs or alcohol are abused, the body becomes dependent. In some cases, the mind becomes so altered, it’s dangerous to quit cold turkey for risk of delirium tremens. Getting professional detox not only makes you more comfortable through the process but also decreases the risk of complications. 

When you go through detox, there will be usually be withdrawal symptoms. There is both holistic and medical detox available. Your vital signs will be monitored throughout detox and you’ll always have someone to answer your questions or concerns. Detox focuses solely on the physical symptoms of addiction. There is also the psychological part which will take longer to treat. This is different for everyone and that’s why your rehab program should create something specific to your needs. 

Rehab will manage why you started abusing drugs in the first place. If you have anxiety or depression after you detox, this will be addressed and managed. This part of the process is important and shouldn’t be skipped. You can go through detox but that doesn’t mean you won’t relapse if something comes up in you that would have caused you to use before.

Rehab options in Adams, Seattle are many. The key is to find what is going to work best for you. Make sure to see what their living arrangements are, what their food plans are, and what kind of therapy you’ll have access to. It’s also important to find out what each program will cost you also. Some programs offer a lot of quality components and may cost you little or nothing at all. It depends on insurance coverage and the kind of program you’re looking at.

Recovery Meetings Near Adams, Seattle

In Adams, Seattle, alcohol and drug rehab program should be the first part of your recovery. What happens when you go home though? Attending weekly 12-step meetings like AA and NA are highly recommended. This is to ensure your long term recovery success. You will have the support you need when you go to these meetings. The offer incentives that can be highly motivating too. Another option is SMART Recovery which is available in Seattle and online. They offer a different kind of program so if a 12-step isn’t inspiring you, you can try this option. There are also supportive group meetings for family members which includes Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, and Alateen.


8:00 pm
St. Paul’s Church
2400 NW 85th St
Seattle, WA


7:00 pm
The Ballard Steps
Ballard Church
1460 Northwest 73rd Street
Ballard, WA


7:30 pm
Ballard Beginners
Ballard Church
1460 Northwest 73rd Street
Ballard, WA


9:30 am
Rob's 125th St Grill
12255 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA


6:00 pm
Capital Hill Presbyterian Church
1729 Harvard Avenue
Seattle, WA


12:00 pm
Broadview Community Church
325 North 125th Street
Seattle, WA


7:00 am
OPENING OUR HEARTS AFG Unity on Union Books,
2420 E Union St,
Seattle (Central District)


8:00 pm
2400 8th Ave W,
Seattle (Ages 12-20)


6:00 pm
Seattle Public Library - Capitol Hill Branch
2nd Floor Meeting Room
425 Harvard Ave. E.
Seattle, WA

Crack Cocaine Addiction and Treatment

Is Inpatient Rehab Right For You?

Inpatient rehab is one of the best options available but that doesn’t make it right for everyone. Some people can’t be away from home for that long. It’s also the most expensive option available due to the high quality services they offer. The commitment to immerse yourself into an inpatient program is highly beneficial but it just isn’t realistic for some. 

There are other options that work for your life. If you feel like you need a program that keeps you in check but can’t get to an inpatient rehab, think about an intensive outpatient program. The treatment is similar, costs less, and can accommodate your commitments. The cost of rehab shouldn’t deter you from getting help. There will be an option for you even if you have no insurance and no money. 

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

We at Northpoint Recovery are dedicated to helping addicts. Our caring, expert staff will make you feel welcome. We implement the proven effective methods of addiction recovery. Our quality residential setting will make you feel at home as you embark on the journey to recovery. There is no better start to long term sobriety. Take the first step.

This website and it’s content which includes the graphics, text, and any other material) is for your information. You shouldn’t take it as medical advice in lieu of going to your doctor. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Make sure you get advice from a medical professional about any condition you’re concerned about. Don’t disregard medical advice because of something you’ve read on the Northpoint Washington site. A medical emergency should be dealt with immediately. It’s important to call 911 right away. This website doesn’t recommend tests, doctors, or products. When you rely on information based on something you’ve read on our site, you do so at your own risk.

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Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.

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