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Addiction Recovery Guide – Northpoint Washington

Your Complete Guide to Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery

Addiction to alcohol, drugs and other substances does not always look the same. For many, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to detox, rehab, managing an addiction, or even supporting a loved one on their road to recovery. No one story or recovery process will look exactly the same, and so there cannot be just one holistic, ultimate guide or how-to for overcoming drug addiction or alcohol dependence.

Instead, consider the following resources as the best place to start in educating yourself on the effects of addiction, the steps toward recovery, and the tools and support that are available to you throughout the process. Below you will find everything from general information regarding alcohol and drug addiction, to what can be expected in the detox and recovery process, to the specific symptoms and signs of addiction to various illegal and prescription drugs.

Addiction Recovery Guide

Recovery is not an easy process, and anyone who tells you otherwise is likely selling something.

Overcoming drug or alcohol addiction requires enduring the difficulties of detox, the temptations of the early stages, the financial concern of paying for treatment, and the unique challenge of finding support along the way. However, overcoming addiction or alcoholism is not impossible - not by a long shot. The resources you will find on this page will give you the knowledge and the tools you need for getting - and staying - sober. Your future self will thank you.

The resources provided here are completely free, and require no commitment, sign-up or registration. We have worked to provide quality resources across many different sources, but none of these websites are affiliated with Northpoint Washington, nor are they sponsored services. Our only aim is that these resources will help you on your road to recovery.

Alcohol & Drug Addiction Information

Seeking out treatment may be the most important step of recovery, but it is not the first. Before getting treated for your addiction, it is crucial to understand your addiction - the effects that it has on your physical body, your relationships, and your mental health.

The information provided below gives a good starting point for understanding all of these issues, and more.


Alcohol & Alcoholism Information

Drug Abuse & Addiction Information

Detox from Drug & Alcohol Addiction

The first step once you decide to put your alcohol or drug addiction behind you is detoxification. This can be a difficult process, but is made much more manageable by having an accurate understanding of what the detox process looks like. The resources below gives those facing detox, or those who are looking to support someone through the detox process, healthy expectations for both the difficulties of detox and the light at the end of the tunnel.

Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Statistics

Alcohol and drug addiction are highly personal, and should be dealt with on a personal level. However, addiction also presents social and economic issues for the United States. The resources listed here deal with both the nationwide trends of drug and alcohol abuse as well as the research on how alcohol and drug use affect health and relationships.

The Good News: Overcoming Alcohol & Drug Addiction

If research into drug and alcohol addiction over the past few decades has revealed anything, it is that addiction is a chronic brain disease. This means one important thing for those struggling with alcohol or drug addiction: the addiction can be overcome when addressed directly and treated correctly.

Addiction - Specific Drug Information

Addiction and dependency can look different depending on the substance of choice. Methamphetamines, opioids, and cocaine, for example, present different signs of addiction than alcoholism. Consider the following drug information, as well as the signs and symptoms of abuse and addiction, in forming an accurate picture of addiction across these various substances.




Opiates & Opioids


Depressants (Sedatives)

Prescription Medication

Online Resources for Alcohol & Drug Addiction

With so many resources available online, you have all of the information and tools you need for recovery at your fingertips. Established government organizations like the NCADD and SAMHSA are great sites for finding a whole host of information, while DrugFacts from the National Institute on Drug Abuse is a straightforward resource for finding treatment and support options.

Good Reads for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery

Treatment Options for Alcohol & Drug Addiction

After getting started on realizing the problems that addiction present to mental, physical and relational health, the crucial next step is to seek out treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. Considering addiction prevention, finding out if treatment is necessary, and considering the various treatment options for alcohol and drug addiction can seem overwhelming. Thankfully, there is already a great deal of information on treatment options available online, and the most relevant resources are listed here.


Addiction Prevention

Determining if Treatment is Necessary

One of the most difficult steps for those struggling with alcohol or drug dependence is realizing that they are actually addicted, and need to seek out treatment options to overcome this addiction. It can be hard to recognize that you have a problem yourself, without any kind of outside input. The resources below help in this process by pointing out the major signs and symptoms of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Support Groups for Alcohol & Drug Addiction

It may be a personal decision to overcome addiction or recovery, but recovery is rarely successful without the help and support of others. Friends and family can play a crucial role in supporting your recovery process, but there are also many support groups - in every single state around the country - that give the understanding, accountability, and follow up necessary for successful recovery.

Types of Treatment Programs

From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at an inpatient rehab center to simply attending a support group, there are many different forms of treatment for addiction. Some people require an intensive detox at a residential programs, while others would benefit more from one on one counseling or therapy. Read through the resources below to find out which of these treatment approaches is right for you.

Paying for Treatment

One of the most common barriers to treatment for those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction is the worry of how to pay for it. There is a misconception that drug rehab or counseling for alcoholism is expensive, and that there are few alternatives other than those that require a good amount of money. Thankfully, this is not the reality. The information below covers how Medicare coverage can take care of addiction treatment costs, as well as free or low-cost addiction treatment alternatives.

General Information

Free or Low-Cost Addiction Treatment

  • Low Cost Alcohol & Drug Treatment Directory
  • State Listing of Low-Cost Addiction Treatment Centers
  • Phoenix House
  • Oddessey House
  • Samaritan Village
  • Cri-Help
  • The Salvation Army

Insurance Information for Addiction Rehab

Dealing with insurance can be daunting for anyone, but none so much as those already struggling with the effects of detox and challenges of rehabilitation. The resources below help cut through the mystery of how substance abuse treatment is covered under Medicare and other insurance options in the US.

Family Resources for Alcohol & Drug Addiction

No recovery process is complete without support from friends, family members, or loved ones. Understanding what your loved one is going through in his or her recovery process is extremely difficult when you have not experienced addiction yourself, and often it can be difficult to know the right thing to do. But just like the one you are trying to support in recovery, you do not have to go through this alone.

Resources for Family, Friends & Loved Ones

Helping an Adult Family Member or Friend: Seven Suggestions

Family Support Groups

Anyone who has supported a family member, friend or loved one through addiction treatment and the recovery process knows that it does not come easy. Thankfully, there are support groups for those supporting addicts through recovery, just as there are support groups for those going through recovery themselves. You can find a local chapter of the support groups through the links below, as well as online resources for friends and family.

Learn More: Alcohol & Drug Addiction Quizzes

Find AA and NA Support Groups

  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Find a Meeting
  • Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Search

Find Addiction Treatment Options (By State)

Contact Northpoint Washington

The resources on this page give a great starting point for understanding addiction, its effects, and treatment options for those struggling with alcohol or drug abuse. However, often knowing these things in your head is not enough to put it into action. Whether you've been struggling with your addiction to alcohol or drugs for a few months or for most of your life, there are places you can turn to for help.

We are here to welcome you with open hands, and to give you the treatment that you need to recover from your addiction. If you need help getting started on this road to recovery, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Talk to a Rehab Specialist

Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.

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