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Is Morphine an Opioid?

One of the earliest mass-produced opioid painkillers, morphine primarily targets pain receptors to block painful sensations without doing anything to address the source of pain. First marketed commercially in 1827, it’s an effective drug derived from the opium poppy. While opiates are also naturally derived from the same source, opioids are technically synthetic but do the same thing by different means or routes and with other side effects. Unfortunately, a commonality between most opiates and opioids is their highly addictive and dangerous properties.

Opioids are often so efficient at managing pain that it may become difficult to continue taking the recommended dosage and even harder to stop altogether. Far too often, patients who receive a prescription from their doctor for opioids like morphine resort to buying secondhand or stronger alternatives to keep the endorphin-induced high they may have experienced during regularly prescribed treatment. Opioids are so addictive that approximately one in 10 U.S. citizens have struggled with opioid abuse.

Addiction, in general, is something of a two-headed problem. Not only are its direct effects damaging or deadly, but the stigma surrounding those suffering from addiction makes treatment embarrassing or inaccessible. Morphine abuse is too severe to neglect, so at Northpoint Washington, our morphine addiction treatment program works to get to the heart of the issue and deliver the most effective care possible.

Causes and Risks of a Morphine Addiction

Morphine addiction has grown increasingly prevalent since the end of the 20th century. Dependence on morphine often occurs during treatment for chronic pain. Shorter treatments, or in-hospital administration, make for less time to form an addiction, but any morphine use can cause concern. Doctor-patient communication and regular supervision are vital to maintain a healthy relationship with the drug and minimize the chance of an addiction forming.

Considering its euphoric properties and highly regulated legal status, morphine has an especially high misuse potential. While morphine manufacturers have made administration by unintended routes difficult, deaths by opioid overdose have continually climbed due to a completely unregulated secondhand market. Morphine alternatives are either exceedingly strong or cut with more intense substances, making the user exponentially more liable to addiction.

Some of the common effects of morphine are:

  • Pain relief
  • Sense of euphoria
  • Drowsiness or sleepiness
  • Less anxiety, feeling of total calmness
  • False sense of well-being

Morphine Abuse and Withdrawal Management

Morphine withdrawal is due to the body’s inability to match the artificially increased level of endorphins. In cases of chronic pain, the symptoms that follow put extreme stress on the body, but the need for morphine continues, and the original pain increases. Without proper, specialized support care, handling withdrawal is a massively difficult hurdle on the road to recovery.

While undergoing morphine withdrawal, visiting an inpatient facility is highly recommended to guarantee a relapse doesn’t occur. The process of correcting a patient’s severe chemical imbalance, or detox, can last anywhere from a matter of days to several weeks. While many other inpatient facilities provide standard detox treatment, Northpoint Washington goes further by providing complete care that individuals need throughout their recovery.

We Have What it Takes to Help at Northpoint Washington

Specialized treatment for morphine withdrawal is available at Northpoint Washington, where we not only treat the core matters of addiction but also provide our best community-driven care in a safe, high-end facility. If you or someone you love needs help treating a substance use disorder, contact us now to learn more about how our addiction programs can facilitate better mental and physical health. Call our Northpoint Washington team at 888.450.2153 for further information. Additionally, you can also reach us through our brief message form online.