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A Guide to Morphine Addiction and Abuse

There is no denying the fact that morphine addiction is becoming a bigger problem in the U.S. than ever before. This drug is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in our hospitals. Some would even argue that it has been over-prescribed, contributing to the opioid epidemic we know of today.

If you have been taking morphine for a long time, you may already be addicted to it. It is possible to form an addiction to this medication without any intention of abusing it. Of course, there are also those who choose to abuse it. Those who knowingly try to abuse this drug will develop a dependence on it much more quickly.

It’s important to get the facts about morphine if you’re addicted. Learn more about its side effects and possible withdrawal symptoms. In this guide, we will also inform you about substance abuse treatment program options that you have.

Morphine Addiction and its Long-Term Effect on the Body

A morphine addiction is something that takes time to progress. It is not going to happen by taking this drug for a short period of time, and it will not happen to everyone who takes it.

Usually, a person will find himself or herself in a situation that requires the use of a strong pain-relieving drug. He or she may get into an accident or suffer from a serious injury. At that point, the patient is prescribed morphine for his or her pain.

Once the patient has been taking the drug for a while, he or she may begin to notice that it does not work as well. The pain may return before the next dose is due. This might cause the patient to take another dose earlier than prescribed. Or, he or she may take a larger dose to compensate.

An addiction to morphine can take quite a toll on the body. People who become addicted to morphine begin to believe that they need it to survive. They do not feel right when they stop taking it, and without it, they go through withdrawals.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Stopping the use of morphine is no easy feat, but it can be done. In the beginning, withdrawal can seem pretty manageable. It is common for people to experience the following opioid withdrawal symptoms:

  • Agitation and anger
  • Excessive yawning
  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Increased tearing of the eyes
  • A runny nose
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety symptoms

What is the Best Way to Stop Taking Morphine?

It is never a good idea to stop taking morphine on your own. If you attempt to go cold turkey, you may throw yourself into withdrawal quickly. It will be very difficult to stay clean without relapsing.

You also should not attempt to taper down your medication on your own. This method is often used during detox, but it could cause problems if you go too slow or too fast. A taper is best left to professionals who understand how these drugs work in the body.

Your best option is to recover from your morphine addiction in a professional setting. This will involve a combination of detox and rehab, which will give you the best chance of being successful.

There are two different types of detox care: inpatient and outpatient. In most cases, morphine addicts will need to opt for inpatient care. There, they’ll receive a more intense level of care that can keep them safe.

The Benefits of an Outpatient Medicated Detox

An inpatient detox program will require you to move into the drug detox and rehab facility. You won’t be able to leave the premises until you’ve fully covered. This can be too much effort or commitment for some patients. They may not have the time or the means to receive inpatient detox. Another option is outpatient detox programs. These programs are not highly recommended for those who are abusing morphine because they don’t offer a high level of care. Patients are not under constant supervision. Instead, they are given a medication treatment plan to follow. Patients will be expected to take the medications at home and to follow the schedule without being constantly supervised.

Morphine Addiction Rehab Treatment

After completing detox, patients are ready to move on to drug rehab. This is a very important step because it will address the psychological side of the addiction. Sometimes people think they do not need further treatment after detoxing. However, it is very important to treat the cause of the addiction. This includes the type of triggers that caused one to abuse morphine in the first place, and whether there are any mental health disorders that contributed to the neurochemical imbalance.

There are several different options available to you for morphine rehab, including:

  • Inpatient Rehab
  • Outpatient Treatment
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A Morphine Addiction Treatment Program in Edmonds, WA May Be Right For You

No matter what you decide to do, it is our hope that you are ready to get help for your morphine addiction. This is a problem that is not going to go away on its own. Most people find that they need professional help if they want to recover. At Northpoint Washington, we are here to help you.

Morphine is a very difficult drug to stop—there’s no doubt about that. You may even be afraid to admit that you need help. Our staff members understand the fear you have because many of them are recovering addicts themselves. You will be in very good hands. Our staff are committed to helping you get sober, and will walk you through every step of the recovery process.

If you are ready to take the next steps needed to change your life and begin your recovery, please contact us today at [Direct].

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