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Opana Addiction Rehab Options in WA State

Opana Rehab in WA State: Your Recovery is Possible with the Right Support

Prescription painkillers are often thought of as safe because they’re prescribed by a doctor. People tend to think of them as being harmless, and they frequently ignore warning labels that indicate their addictive nature. But the reality is that many prescription painkillers are opioids, which can easily lead to dependence, addiction, overdose, and even death.

Opana (or oxymorphone) is a type of opioid painkiller used to treat moderate pain for a short period of time or to provide long-term, constant pain relief for those who cannot handle other intense painkillers. Opana is highly abused in the State of Washington. One of the reasons it is so addictive is because it’s so closely related to heroin. Opana recently became more popular because of changes that have been made in OxyContin to make that particular drug more difficult to abuse.

Opana is twice as strong as OxyContin, and it is as much as eight times more powerful than Morphine. These facts alone contribute to the fact that Opana is well on its way to becoming the most abused street drug. Some of its street names include:

  • Pink Lady
  • Stop Signs
  • Biscuits
  • Octagons
  • Oranges
  • Blue Heaven

To put it simply, Opana is very dangerous because it can become addictive even after the first use of it. If you’re addicted to Opana, it’s crucial for you to get professional help from an Opana rehab before you begin experiencing some of the more dangerous effects that can be produced from this drug.

Opana Addiction Information

The good news is that there are Opana rehab treatment facilities here in Washington State available for you to get the help you need.

In this article, we are going to give you the information you need to being your journey to recovery. This information includes:

  • How to know you are addicted to Opana
  • How to take the first step to recovery from Opana addiction
  • Detox treatment and options for Opana addicts
  • Timeline for Opana detox
  • Rehab facility options for Opana addicts
  • What a typical day in Opana rehab is like
  • Cost of Opana rehab and insurance options
  • What makes a good rehab center for overcoming Opana addiction

How Opana Addiction Occurs

Opana is prescribed to treat chronic pain. In most cases, it’s given as a last resort when pain has become too much to bear, and other options don’t seem to be working as well as they should. Opana should only be given as a short-term solution, but quite often, people who take it experience so much relief, that they’ll seek to find it on the street so they can continue.

An addiction to Opana can occur instantly because of the way the drug works in the brain. However, continued use or abuse will only serve to perpetuate that addiction. Opana produces a euphoric high, but users are also likely to experience less anxiety and a sense of relaxation when they take it. These experiences are addictive, and they cause people to keep going back for more.

It’s possible that you’ve been taking Opana, but you really don’t feel that you’re addicted to it. This is quite common with this type of addiction, and it’s easy to feel as though you’re in control when in fact, you’re really not. There are signs you can look for to determine whether or not you have an addiction that requires treatment from one of the Opana rehab facilities in Washington and these include:

  • You haven’t been truthful with family or friends about your Opana use
  • You’ve started doctor shopping as a way to get more of your medication
  • You’ve taken more than your recommended dosage to experience a high
  • You’ve noticed your regular dosage isn’t working as well as it once did
  • You’ve tried to stop taking Opana, but you couldn’t because of withdrawal symptoms

What To Do First If You Are Addicted to Opana: The Detox Process

If these things are true for you, then it’s time to take action. The first thing you need to do to get on the road to addiction recovery is detoxification.

Detox is an extremely important first step in getting sober. Without this step, your body will never be able to get rid of the traces of opioid or other addictive substances in your body. And if you can’t get rid of the substance causing the addiction, then you can’t get rid of the addiction. 

Many people think they can detox on their own by just quitting. This is NOT recommended as a successful way to detox. Instead, you should enroll in a detox program at an addiction treatment facility. 

A detox program will provide you with 24/7 medical care coverage to make sure your body is healthy and stable during withdrawal symptoms. Since Opana is so addictive, your body is going to react negatively when you no longer take it. These symptoms can be very uncomfortable, and having a medical professional monitor your withdrawals can help make the symptoms less painful and shorter. 

Some Opana withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Joint Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Severe weakness
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Irregular heart rate 

In most cases, withdrawal symptoms will last 5-7 days. But, if you’re mixing Opana with other substances, it could take longer than a week to fully detox.

Each detox treatment facility has a different evaluation process and the length of detox stay can be different for each person, but generally speaking detox treatment will last about a week. There are various factors that go into determining the length of a person’s detox, including: weight, age, dosage and length of time since last use.

For Opana, withdrawal symptoms will most likely start 12-18 hours after your last dose. The withdrawals will peak after a few days, and then will slowly become less intense after a week.

This timeline can give you an idea of what to expect in your detox experience.

12-18 hours after last Opana use: High begins to wear off, and withdrawals set in. Early Opana withdrawals may include anxiety and agitation, along with muscle aches and pains.

24 hours (1 day) after last use: This will be the peak of your withdrawal symptoms. As your body is trying to rid itself of all traces of Opana, you will experience excessive sweating and diarrhea. Some people lose their appetite and experience insomnia at this stage as well.

48 hours (2 days) after last use: Withdrawals will continue, and they usually feel like cold symptoms at this point. You may also experience continued anxiety and even panic attacks.

72 hours (3 days) after last use: Usually the worst is over by day 3 into Opana detox. There may still be some physical pain like shivers, stomach cramps, and vomiting at this time.

5 days after last use: At this point the stomach starts to settle down and you will regain your appetite. It is important to put healthy food into your body after detoxing so that you can build up your strength.

6 days after last use: By day 6 most of the physical withdrawal symptoms will be gone, and you will be ready to start tackling the mental symptoms of Opana withdrawal such as anxiety, depression, and cravings.

After the week long detox, the physically hard part will be over, and your body will be clean. But even though your body won’t need Opana anymore, your brain still will want it. This psychological addiction will take much longer to heal, and the timeline is different for each person.

This is why rehabilitation is such an important step to full recovery. After detox, you will have to retain your mind to how it was before you were addicted to Opana. You will need to relearn healthy life habits and also learn how to stop yourself from giving into the cravings.

Quitting opioid abuse and getting sober is a traumatic, difficult experience for anyone, and you will need help and guidance along the way. But as you learn how to live free from addiction, you will slowly gain your life back.

With most addictive substances, you will have two options for a medically supervised detox treatment - intensive inpatient treatment, or ambulatory detox treatment which is more flexible.

Inpatient Treatment 

At an inpatient detox facility, you will live at the facility during the entire detox period. Usually inpatient facilities are found to be more successful because you can be medically supervised 24/7 and you do not have access to more Opana or any other addictive substance. 

The medical professional will monitor vital signs during the whole process, and will help keep you comfortable and safe. Professionals can also help make sure that your detox period is as short as possible so you won’t have to experience unnecessary, prolonged discomfort.

Ambulatory Detox Treatment 

Ambulatory detox is a type of outpatient treatment facility that offers treatment for withdrawals in a safe environment supervised by medical professionals, but instead of living in the facility, you live in your home and travel to the facility for check-ups and treatment. This is a much better option than attempting to detox on your own, outpatient detox means that you will be traveling outside of the facility where opioids, alcohol, and other addictive substances are available.

Medicated Detox for Opana Users 

Many medical professionals will use other medications during the detox process to help curb the side effects of Opana withdrawal. 

There are typically two types of medications used during opioid detox: substitution medications and adjunct medications. The most common opioid substitution medications are methadone and buprenorphine, which are long-acting opioids. These medications fill the same opioid receptors in the central nervous system as the Opana, but since they are long-acting, less dosages are needed to fill the opioid receptors. Both of these medications help manage Opana withdrawal symptoms as well as the cravings you may experience. 

Naltrexone is another drug that may be used in a medicated detox treatment plan. Naltrexone remains dormant but helps control craving for Opana or other opioids. It also helps ease the physical symptoms experienced during withdrawal. 

Adjunct medications are any medications that are targeted specifically to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. For example, if you are experiencing nausea and vomiting, a medical professional may give you anti-nausea medication. If you are suffering from insomnia during your detox, you may be given a sleeping aid.

No matter what you decide will be the best option for your detox experience, the most important thing is that you make it happen and that you involve a medical professional in the process. 

Trying to quit on your own has a high risk of failure, and if you can’t successfully detox from Opana, you will never be able to recover from your addiction. Removing the drug completely from your system is hard work and takes time, but it is the only way to get clean and healthy so you can then begin to work on the psychological healing from your addiction.

Rehabilitation Treatment Options for Opana Users: The Next Step in Recovery

Opana rehabilitation treatment programs are an excellent resource for anyone with this type of addiction, and there are many reasons why it’s recommended.

After going through the detox process, you may feel as if your addiction has been beat. But this is far from true.

Rehab is an important step in Opana addiction recovery for many reasons. Even though you feel better physically after completing detox, you are in a very vulnerable state mentally, which leads to a high risk of relapse. Relapsing from Opana can lead to a fatal overdose, which is one of the main reasons rehab is so highly recommended. Drug rehab will help you retrain your mind to learn to live without Opana and stay healthy mentally as well as physically. You will receive tips and the support you need for living a drug-free, healthy life.

The length of rehab treatment will vary depending on which facility you choose and also the severity of your Opana use and addiction. Most rehab treatment programs last about 30 days. These 30 days will be an intense focus on sober-living, and it will take up all of your time and energy. Due to the intense nature of addiction recovery from opioids, many people choose to continue with recovery meetings or programs even after completing rehab treatment.

Like with detox, you have different options for Opana rehab treatment. Each option offers different pros and cons. What is important to remember is choosing what is right for you based on your circumstances. There is no one answer, or one easy solution that works for everyone when it comes to drug addiction recovery. Each treatment and person will be different, and what matters most is choosing what will set you up best for a successful, drug-free life.

Inpatient rehab treatments are intensive care facilities where patients sleep, eat, and live in the treatment facility throughout the rehabilitation process. Inpatient treatment centers have been proven to be more effective long-term because they provide you with around-the-clock care, a support community, and freedom from the temptation of buying or using again. It completely removes you from your unhealthy environment and gives you the time and space you need to heal and recover. 

Generally, inpatient rehab center activities involve: 

  • Therapy sessions: Treating psychological damage from drug abuse and working through your emotions to get to the root cause of your addiction is one of the main goals of rehab. There are usually group therapy sessions, individual sessions, and sometimes even family therapy sessions to make sure you have a good support team for when you return to your normal life. Cognitive behavioral therapy and contingency management are often used by therapists during rehab because they are clinically proven to help patients change their addictive behaviors and destructive patterns.
  • Relapse prevention: During your day-to-day life in rehab, you will learn how to cope with your cravings in order to prevent a relapse once you leave the facility. You will get into a routine of how to live a sober lifestyle and develop the habits you will need to continue living that way for the rest of your life. 
  • Educational workshops and skill-building activities: In inpatient rehab treatment facilities, you will have the time you need to receive holistic care. Many rehab centers will provide educational classes and skill-building activities that will help you learn to repair the life and relationships you have outside of the facility. These classes and activities will teach you how and why addiction occurs, how to rebuild and maintain relationships, how to control extreme emotions, and how to promote good health in all your endeavors.
  • Integrated treatment: More than 60% of those with substance use disorder also suffer from other co-occurring mental health conditions. Integrated treatment is the practice of treating both addiction and mental health conditions at the same time. When rehab facilities offer integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, it means that your medical team will address both your addiction and your mental health disorders to provide the best treatment possible. You will learn to cope with both conditions and learn the tools you need to live functionally. 

What to Expect in a Day of an Opana Inpatient Rehab Participant

Inpatient rehab is usually very structured, and you will experience a variety of the activities described above throughout a typical day. Daily activities may vary, but most inpatient rehab facilities follow a similar routine to reduce anxiety and uncertainty in their patients. 

Mornings: Breakfast and Morning Meetings 

  • Some treatment facilities may offer optional morning meditation or yoga as a calm and grounded start to your day.
  • You will be served or offered a healthy breakfast. Eating healthy is very important during rehabilitation from Opana, because your strength needs to be built up after the detox process and your body needs healthy food to heal.
  • Morning meetings usually consist of group therapy sessions. Group therapy is very important in inpatient rehab because it connects you to a support system of people that you can relate to, and you will be encouraged to share your story and emotions with them so you can help each other through your rehab process. 

Afternoons: Lunch and Intensive Therapy 

  • Lunch is served mid-day to break up activities and therapy session and to provide a time of connection between patients.
  • Afternoon Therapy Sessions: Usually after lunch patients will have more intensive, individual therapy sessions. This could include some of the cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, family therapy, or treatment for a co-occurring disorder.
  • Afternoon Workshops: There may be time in the afternoon to go to an educational workshop or class that provides more tools and resources to use for life after rehab. 

Evenings: Dinner and Speakers 

  • Evenings are fairly relaxed so patients can wind-down before heading to bed. There may be a scheduled motivational speaker or special feature for the night. Again, night-time activities usually end early so everyone can get a good night’s sleep, because sleep is very important for your body’s recovery process. 

After your time in an inpatient treatment facility, you should have learned the skills you need to leave and re-enter society confidently. You will have identified your specific triggers and behaviors that lead to Opana use, and you can use what you learned in rehab to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Outpatient rehab facilities offer the same services as inpatient facilities, such as: access to medical professionals, group and individual therapy, educational workshops, and even integrated treatment. 

The main difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment is that for inpatient treatment, you live in the facility for the duration of your rehab. With outpatient treatment, you live off-site at your own home and you travel to the facility for daily meetings and activities. 

For some people, outpatient treatment works very well. It can work especially well if they are a new addict or only have a light abuse or addiction problem. They can attend therapy a few hours a week and continue with their other responsibilities. It’s the ideal option for someone with a job or with children they can’t leave overnight. Outpatient treatments are also usually more affordable because patients don’t have to pay for food or room and board. 

If you have a more serious addiction but still have responsibilities to manage, intensive outpatient treatment may be a viable option. You spend more time in treatment but still get to go home and to work. Instead of a few hours per week, you may go every day or even spend several hours each day in therapy.

The downside to outpatient rehab treatment for Opana users is that when you leave the treatment facility, you are faced with the temptation to use again. With inpatient treatment, you are completely removed from society and you will not have access to Opana. But, with outpatient treatment, there is no such guarantee. 

Again, it is important to remember that addiction is different for each person, so each person should choose the best rehab option for their own circumstances. What works for some people may not work for all people.

Different types of Outpatient Treatment Programs for Opana Addicts 

Day Programs

Day programs give the highest amount of care and structure that you can find in an outpatient treatment setting. They are an extensive time investment, but give you the most support while still allowing you to live off-site. Day program patients commit to going to the facility 5-7 days a week, for multiple hours each day. The meetings there include therapy, group counseling, as well as specialty therapies. 

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) 

Intensive outpatient programs work off of specific goals and milestones that are created for each patient to meet. When the milestones are met, the time spent in meetings in the treatment facility decreases. This option is good for a person seeking intense support while still needing to attend to a job, school, or other daily responsibilities. 

Continuing Care 

Continuing care involves groups you may have heard of like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These are support groups that meet weekly or biweekly and are led by a trained professional or therapist to walk with people through the struggles of addiction recovery.

Our facility at Northpoint Washington is a 28-day inpatient drug rehab facility located in Washington state. This program involves a detox portion, followed by rehab treatment, and then a specialized outpatient treatment plan. 

We offer all the benefits of an inpatient treatment at our facility. You will receive individualized medical care 24/7, along with mental health treatment, and a schedule that will allow you to rehabilitate yourself and focus on getting clean. 

For the first 7 days (approximately), you will undergo the detox process. We will provide you with specialized medication and therapeutic activities to help minimize the Opana withdrawal symptoms. 

We believe that it is very beneficial to complete detox and rehab treatment in the same facility because research shows when the two processes are done together, the chance of a relapse decreases and the chances of staying sober longer increases. 

After detox, you will enter the rehab portion of the program. This will address the psychological aspects of drug addiction to get at the root of the reason why you are using. Every option that we laid out in the inpatient rehab treatment portion of this article will be available to you, including: therapy session, relapse prevention, education workshops, skill-building activities, and integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders. We pride ourselves in offering the highest quality care in every area of treatment because we truly care about the well-being of our patients. 

Once rehab is completed, we will be sure to set you up for success after you leave our facility. You will be able to apply what you learned in rehab to your daily life at home, and we will provide flexible options for you that will still provide you with the support you need.

The Cost of Opana Addiction Treatment in Washington State

When looking at the initial prices of Opana detox and rehab treatments, you may feel shocked and hopeless. Certain treatment options can be very expensive, but there is still hope. 

Opana Addiction Information

Sifting through the financial aspect of addiction treatment can be very confusing, but when the payments get broken down, and when you consider the investment you will be making in your life with this one-time fee, you may be surprised by what you see. 

The first step to take when considering treatment for your Opana addiction is to check with your health insurance company. Your policy may cover drug rehab treatments, which would mean your treatment would be no additional cost (you already cover the cost in your insurance payments). Or, you may have partial coverage, meaning you only have to pay a percentage of the total cost for rehab treatment. 

The cost of drug rehab for Opana will vary from person to person. This cost depends on several factors, including: your type of insurance policy, the type of treatment you’re seeking, length of your treatment, and whether or not you can pay in cash.

Recent studies conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have revealed that people abusing prescription opioids are costing taxpayers a lot of money each year due to costs of healthcare, the loss of job productivity, treatment for addiction, and the legal costs for opioid addicts. Because of this, treatment facilities and insurance companies alike are working hard to make rehab treatment affordable for all. 

A lot of rehab treatment facilities now have financial aid or financial plans for their patients. They also accept a variety of insurance plans depending on the facility and the insurance provider. 

Some of the common forms of insurance include:

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • State-financed health insurance
  • Private insurance
  • Military insurance

If none of these options apply to you and you still cannot afford to pay for treatment, there are low-cost rehab options or free addiction resources available in WA state. While it may be tempting to choose a low-cost or free addiction recovery treatment plan, it comes at a very high risk. 

In reality, the low-cost treatment centers will not offer high-quality care or all of the resources you will need to fully recover from your Opana addiction. They may help, but you will be at a high-risk of relapse if you do not receive all the help you need to recover from your disease. 

It may be an expensive investment, but paying more for a high-quality rehab treatment facility will save you time and money in the long-run because you have a higher chance of staying off Opana, which means you will no longer be paying for your addiction. If you relapse, you will have paid or spent time on a treatment that failed. 

If paying for treatment simply isn’t an option for you, you should not let this stop you from getting help.

Here are some of the most common affordable or free options for rehab treatment in WA: 

  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • Free group support meetings such as NA or AA
  • Government or privately funded programs
  • Low-income or free rehab through a non-profit program (such as Salvation Army)
  • State-funded rehab for individuals who qualify as low-income 

No matter what your financial situation is, there are options and resources available to you to help you get clean and quit your Opana addiction for good.

Rehab treatment cost will vary greatly depending on where you are, what the facility offers, and what kind of specific treatment you need based on your addiction. Here, we will provide you with an idea of general costs of rehab based on averages for the state of Washington. 

The cost for detox only is about $300-$800 per day in Washington. The average amount of time it takes to detox is five days, which means that the total payment of detox will cost between $1,500-$4,000. Emergency detox can be a lot more expensive.

Because of the highly addictive nature of Opana, you may be required to take medication during the detox and rehab process. These medications will ease the pain of withdrawal symptoms and help curb your cravings, but they will increase the cost of rehab.

Generally for the state of Washington, standard inpatient addiction treatment is about $30,000 per month. On the other hand, outpatient treatment is around $500 per session. These standard treatment facilities may not be as luxurious as some, but they will offer the high-quality care you need to recover well from your Opana addiction.

While outpatient treatment is usually more cost effective than inpatient treatment, it again depends on your specific addiction case and needs. With inpatient treatment, you are looking at paying between $400- $900 per day, compared to about $140-$500 a week with outpatient treatment.

The significant difference in cost is because with inpatient treatment you are paying for your food, your housing for a month, 24/7 medical care, and a wide variety of activities and treatments. While the standard of care is comparable from inpatient to outpatient treatment, the availability to medical care decreases with outpatient treatment and the risk of relapsing increases.

Medical professionals agree based on research that more people find long-term success with inpatient facilities, so it may be worth the extra money to invest in your health.

While detox and rehab treatments seem expensive, it is important to think about and compare that to the cost of addiction. When you are addicted to a drug like Opana, you will pay a lot of money overtime to pay for these pills and keep up your addiction. 

The average price of a prescription, 5 mg Opana pill from the pharmacy is about $2.53 for one pill. Now, on the street it is more expensive. It is almost impossible to get an accurate average cost of Opana on the street, but the low-end pills go for about $35 a pill, while high-end pills go for about $90. Since the effects of Opana last for so long, addicts may only be using one pill a day. But if you get the high-end pills, that could be $90 a day, which means $630 a week and $2,520 a month for Opana addicts. 

There are usually more financial costs of being an addict, including inability to hold a job or medical issues caused by addiction. In reality, you may be paying a lot more than you think you are to keep up your addiction. While rehab may be an expensive, one-time investment, it can help lead to financial freedom in the future because you will no longer be paying for your Opana addiction.

Methadone Addiction Treatment

Choosing Northpoint Washington for Opana Addiction Help

Some people wait for years before making the decision to get help for their Opana addictions. That speaks to the addictive nature of this drug, and what a powerful hold it can have in your life. When you have an addiction to Opana, it can feel as though you can’t survive without it, and this can leave you feeling as though you’re stuck in a never-ending addiction cycle forever.

Northpoint Washington is an inpatient detox and rehab facility in Edmonds, Washington. We want you to know that if you are addicted to Opana, or and prescription drug, or highly trained staff can help you with your recovery goals. We understand that right now, it seems hopeless. However, we want to assure you that it’s not. Our addiction treatment center has been able to help many people to stop using safely, and we’d like to offer you the same opportunity.

Whether you have questions about Opana rehab cost, or you have other questions you need to have answered before you can make a commitment to get professional help for your addiction, we’d like to talk with you. At Northpoint Washington, we’re confident that you’ll find the relief you’re looking for. Please contact us today.

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