Northpoint Washington – Is My Family Addicted Quiz
Quiz: Is My Family Member Addicted?
It can be so disheartening to have a loved one whom you believe may have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Perhaps you've watched the slow decline of someone you care about very much, and you've even reached out to try and help him or her get some type of treatment. Quite often, those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol insist that they don't have addictions, and that can leave you wondering what you should be doing to help.
/ Is My Family Addicted
20 Question Quiz: Is My Family Member Addicted?
If you need assistance in recognizing an addiction in someone you love, this quiz will help you answer the question, Is my family member addicted? For each question, if your answer is "Yes," check the corresponding box. If your answer is "No," leave the box blank. Once you've gone through the quiz, enter your email address and click the Submit button to get your results.