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The Importance of Family Support in Recovery

Addiction is not something that can be beaten alone. A strong family support network is integral to successful treatment and recovery. Addiction affects more than just the person addicted. Addiction takes a toll on an addict’s family as well. Understanding how to get help for the entire family unit as an addict goes through treatment can be overwhelming.

An addiction treatment facility can offer those addicted and their families a structured family therapy program that provides the support needed to everyone involved in the process. If you or a loved one are struggling, contact Northpoint Washington today to learn more about how a family therapy program can benefit everyone involved in the journey to recovery.

Family Support is An Important Part Of Recovery

If you enter a rehab treatment facility on your own and recover on your own, you may come home to a family that is still broken by your addiction. Not including them in your recovery process will make it hard for you to achieve lifelong recovery, especially without their support. Without including them in your recovery journey, your family will have just as hard a time trying to live their lives healthily while you are in treatment as they did when living with your addiction.

Family therapy works as a complement to traditional substance use or mental health disorder treatments. In no way does it replace treatment. Family therapy works directly with group therapy among peers and one-on-one therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

If the entire family unit can heal together, it will significantly benefit the addicted person struggling. They can begin to recover knowing they have their family’s support to keep them on track and prevent a relapse. Family relationships often become strained during a person’s addiction. Starting family therapy can help everyone better understand one another and learn their individual skills to better cope and move forward.

Family Counseling At Inpatient Treatment Facilities

In family therapy counseling, you will learn techniques to better problem solve among the family and recognize the patterns and triggers that lead to conflict. It will be an open discussion about the challenges you face so that you can work together with a therapist and the rest of your family to better take care of yourselves. Family therapy sessions will be unique to your family and the treatment facility where you receive them. Generally speaking, the main goals of family therapy are:

  1. To give the affected individual the support they need to continue on their road to recovery and not relapse.
  2. To strengthen the entire family unit emotionally so that they can all work towards lifelong recovery together.

Sessions are regularly scheduled to ensure consistency for the patient and the family. Some of the points a therapist may work with you on in family therapy sessions include:

  • The impact of substance abuse on the family
  • How depression and anxiety affect the patient and the family
  • Handling conflict among family members
  • Recognizing substance abuse triggers
  • Coping with loss as a family

Northpoint Washington Offers Family Support

The Northpoint Washington treatment team employs medical professionals who understand the treatment and recovery process from substance use and mental health disorders. In addition to their many years of education and experience, many are in recovery themselves. In addition to family therapy, you can choose from individual counseling options or group therapy with peers who understand firsthand what you are going through.

Don’t wait to get the help you and your family deserve. Our treatment team is standing by to answer any questions you have and get you started in a family therapy program today. Call us at 888.450.2153.