Drug addiction among rock stars and rap artists is nothing new. The world has unfortunately lost too many musicians to drug addiction and overdose, from Kurt Cobain and Jerry Garcia in the 1990s to Prince and Chris Cornell in the last couple of years. But not all stories of drug addiction are without hope. Not many people know that Timbaland struggled with addiction to OxyContin for several years. “Once you’re not popping, it plays with your mind. The pills helped block out the noise – I’d just sleep all day.” ~ Timbaland, on how his addiction to opioid painkillers formed Timbaland – the music producer that has collaborated with everyone from Justin Timberlake to Missy Elliot – struggled with opioid addiction until just a few years ago. Today, the musician is completely recovered and focused on bettering himself in the future. His story may just have a few important lessons for the rest of us.
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Timbaland’s Struggle With Drug Addiction – The Power of Opioid Dependence
Timbaland did not set out to abuse drugs and become an addict. The musician’s story of drug addiction began innocently enough. He first started using pills to handle painful nerve issues remaining from a gunshot wound when he was a teenager. Over time, he started using more and more OxyContin to help with other issues along with the pain. Eventually, the opioid painkillers turned into a way to self-medicate depression when the musician’s marriage fell apart. This is where the vicious cycle began. Timbaland became more depressed the more he used the opioid drugs. But he also continued to take them to numb the mental and physical pain. This cycle began when Timbaland was in his thirties, and it didn’t end until just three years ago. Now at 45, Timbaland says he has recovered from drug addiction completely. His struggle of opioid addiction ended when he chose to focus on recovery instead of the downward spiral he had been following. So what are the lessons here?
Lesson #1: Drug Abuse Can Easily Turn Into Full-Blown Addiction
It’s easy to think that you can use drugs casually – but Timbaland’s story shows otherwise. The musician started using opioid painkillers for a valid reason: to help ease the pain of a physical injury. But eventually, Timbaland stopped using pain pills for those nerve issues and started using them as a form of self-medication for the other issues in his life. The lesson here is two-fold. First, drug use should never be taken lightly. Experts suggest that opioid pain medication be used only for short periods of time, to avoid becoming dependent on their effects. The second lesson here is that it is always a better idea to seek out effective and professional help for any mental health issues. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, you should never try to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. If you find yourself abusing substances, you should reach out for addiction treatment help immediately. You can stop a downward spiral before it begins.
Lesson #2: Opioid Addiction Affects More Than Just You
The second major lesson here is that opioid addiction is not only about your own physical and mental health. The reality is your addiction has a heavily negative impact on your loved ones. If it goes unchecked, drug dependence can break relationships and destroy lives. Timbaland’s opioid abuse only made the issues in his life worse. His music career declined, he lost a lot of his money, and his marriage ended in shambles. A substance that he thought was helping drown out the noise was actually making it that much louder. “It was so bad, to the point where I couldn’t even sleep. I’d put my hand right by his nose, just to see if he was still breathing.” ~ Michelle, Timbaland’s now-girlfriend on the later stages of his addiction Timbaland almost lost his life because of his struggle with opioid addiction. That would have affected so much more than his music career. It would have been devastating to his family. If you are currently struggling with opioid dependence, you should consider getting professional rehab help today. Effective addiction treatment programs address all of the negative effects of drug abuse, helping you move on to a happier and healthier life in your closest relationships.
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Lesson #3: It is Never Too Late to Recover From the Effects of Opioid Addiction
Timbaland was at one of the lowest points possible in drug addiction. He is even convinced that he experienced a drug overdose while he was sleeping. Instead of continuing in despair, the music producer used this incident as an opportunity to get help for his opioid addiction. “I’ve never felt better. I’m doing stuff I never knew I could do.” ~ Timbaland, three years after withdrawing from opioid addiction Today, Timbaland has completely turned his life around. Even after an opioid overdose, he has been able to get help for his drug addiction. From there, he gained the strength to make better and healthier choices for his life and his family. The lesson here is clear: no matter how helpless you may feel about your drug addiction, it is never too late to ask for help. Drug rehab and addiction treatment services provide an excellent way to move from drug dependence to a full and free life. This is the journey that Timbaland has made. You can take that same path too.
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A New Page in the Story: Timbaland Keeps Moving in Recovery
Thankfully, Timbaland’s story does not end with addiction and overdose. The musician was able to kick his drug habit to the curb about three years ago – but the process was not easy. Timbaland went through withdrawal. He called this period brutal. But he knew that a clean break from the drugs was crucial if he wanted to recover in the long run. He knew he needed to make the change for his family, for himself, for his future and for his music. “He especially wants young fans and musicians to be aware that counterfeit pain pills could contain powerful opiates like fentanyl, and for music industry as a whole to be more cognizant of the prevalence of depression in the hip-hop community.” ~ Jonathan Ringen, writing for Rolling Stone Magazine More than simply recovering from opioid addiction, Timbaland wants to make sure that others avoid the same thing that he went through. If you are currently struggling with opioid addiction, you should know that professional drug treatment help is available to you. Timbaland’s struggle with drug addiction could translate into getting the help that you need. Reach out for more information on drug rehab today.