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How Long Does Oxycontin Stay in Your System

Prescribed painkillers such as OxyContin are powerful opioid drugs. They affect the brain the same way heroin does. The pain-numbing feelings activated by the drug’s effect on the central nervous system create the high that makes users experience the state of euphoria that keeps them returning for more. If you or a loved one were prescribed OxyContin for pain management and have become dependent on it, it’s time to seek professional help for OxyContin abuse. Northpoint Washington specializes in OxyContin addiction treatment and can help guide you in the steps to successful treatment and recovery.

Understanding Oxycontin Withdrawal

OxyContin is considered a schedule II controlled substance by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. This scheduling means it has a high potential for severe physical or psychological dependence. As a long-acting opiate, it is most commonly prescribed for pain management. OxyContin is the most recognized brand name of oxycodone with an extended release.

While effects from the drug may last up to 12 hours, OxyContin and its byproducts can stay in your system for much longer. For instance, it can remain in your bloodstream for up to 24 hours. A drug test can also trace it in your hair for up to 90 days. It stays in your saliva for up to two days and in your urine for up to four days. This lingering effect increases the risk of overdose as people may take more of the drug—or other drugs—thinking it has left their system just because it has left their bloodstream.

The hardest part of understanding and treating OxyContin abuse is admitting that you or a loved one have a problem in the first place. Many people who become addicted to the drug don’t realize that they even have a problem until they stop using it.

Withdrawal is not easy, and understanding what to expect with the detox and treatment process can better prepare someone for the hard work to achieve a successful recovery.

Withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills or sweating
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • High blood pressure

Signs of Oxycontin Abuse

There are different signs to look out for to identify the signs of drug abuse in yourself or a loved one. An affected person may show the following signs:

  • Medication intake that exceeds the prescribed dosage
  • They need to take more and more of the drug over time to feel its effects
  • They can’t stop taking the drug even though they want to stop
  • Their life revolves around the drug
  • They complain and can’t deal with the withdrawal symptoms when they don’t take the drug or cut back on its use

So what’s your next step? Contact a trusted medical professional or an addiction treatment center directly to get help.

Overcome OxyContin Abuse at Northpoint Washington

Unfortunately, the dangers of OxyContin abuse, including the number of overdose victims, continue to grow in the United States. Even though a doctor prescribes it, this drug has an extremely high drug abuse and dependence rate.

While treatment and recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be highly challenging, it can be the difference between life and death. With the proper support and an OxyContin addiction treatment program that is the right fit for you or a loved one, a successful recovery and return to a healthy life is possible.

In addition to treatment for OxyContin abuse, and other prescription drugs, Northpoint Washington also offers:

  • Alcohol detox
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Medicated detox
  • Holistic treatment
  • One-on-one counseling

Give our treatment team a call today at 888.450.2153 to learn more about the dangers of OxyContin abuse and your treatment options.