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Self-Care Activities to Improve Your Mood

a therapist talks with a patient about activities to improve your mood

It is crucial to acknowledge when you or a loved one is experiencing a low mood. The signs can be subtle, but they are usually present. These might include feelings of sadness, irritability, or a lack of interest in activities once enjoyed. Other symptoms could involve changes in appetite or sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, or feelings of worthlessness. When you recognize these patterns, engaging in activities to improve your mood can help.

If you or a loved one continues to experience low mood that results in depression, Northpoint Washington can help. Our depression treatment program is designed to provide comprehensive support. A better way forward is within your reach. Call 888.450.2153 now to take the first steps.

Why Self-Care Is So Important

Self-care plays a vital role in maintaining good mental health and managing symptoms of mental illness. It involves taking steps to ensure physical, emotional, and mental well-being. For individuals living with addiction and poor mental health, self-care is even more crucial. It acts as a tool to maintain recovery, manage stress, and improve overall quality of life.

Practicing self-care not only helps to improve mood but also boosts resilience, making it easier to cope with life’s challenges. It fosters self-compassion, enabling individuals to take care of their needs without feeling guilty.

Fun Activities to Fight Depression

These self-soothing activities can improve your mood and help you feel more connected:

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation encourages you to focus on the present moment. This practice can help reduce feelings of anxiety and improve mood. Find a quiet, comfortable space, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and focus on each breath. Even just a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.


Journaling is a powerful tool for expressing emotions, reflecting on thoughts, and identifying patterns that may contribute to low mood. Write about your day, your feelings, or anything else that comes to mind. Remember, this is your private space; there are no rules or boundaries.

Physical Activity

Physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or dancing, can significantly boost mood by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. Choose an activity you enjoy and aim for at least 30 minutes per day.

Creative Expression

Engaging in creative activities such as painting, knitting, or playing a musical instrument can be therapeutic. These activities allow for self-expression, distraction from negative thoughts, and a sense of accomplishment.

Connecting with Nature

Spending time in nature can have a calming effect on the mind. Whether it’s a walk in the park, gardening, or just sitting outdoors, connecting with nature can help reduce stress and improve mood.

While exercising and expressing yourself are great for helping you rise out of a slump, sometimes professional help is needed. Evidence-based therapy programs, like the individual therapy options at Northpoint Washington, offer well-rounded support.

When Mental Health Treatment May Be Needed

While self-care activities are beneficial, they are not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. If feelings of low mood persist despite self-care efforts, or if they worsen or interfere with daily functioning, it may be time to seek professional help.

Options for treatment include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can provide strategies to manage symptoms. Medications can also be effective in treating mental health conditions.

Remember, there is no shame in seeking help. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it’s crucial to take care of both. Contact Northpoint Washington to learn how our mental health and dual diagnosis programs can help you manage your mood and return to a better baseline.

Start Depression Treatment at Northpoint Washington

At Northpoint Washington, we provide comprehensive, evidence-based treatment programs for depression. Our individualized approach includes a holistic approach to wellness that helps our patients manage their symptoms and regain control of their lives.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with depression, we are here to listen. Call 888.450.2153 or contact us online now to find the help you need.