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Substance Addiction Resources for Toppenish, WA

Toppenish, WA Addiction Rehab Resources

If you have a problem with substance abuse, there are addiction resources in Toppenish that can help. It’s important that you don’t try to stop on your own. There are tools you learn through rehab that greatly increase your chances of a successful recovery. They are available to everyone regardless of how much money or time you have. We have put together this addiction resource guide for Toppenish so you know your options. This includes detox, rehab, and the aftercare plan.

Help for Addiction in Toppenish

Addiction rehab in Toppenish takes the guesswork out of how to get past your addiction. So many times people will try to stop using drugs or alcohol on their own, only to relapse within a few days. Oftentimes you’ll immediately feel uncomfortable withdrawals which are physical and emotional. Support and professional help are important when you’ve decided to quit doing drugs or want to stop drinking.

Recovery Meetings In Toppenish, WA

AA and NA meetings in Townsend are an effective way of finding a supportive community once rehab is complete. Here are just some of the meetings available.


7:00 pm
Unity Group
12 West 1st Ave
Toppenish, WA


7:00 pm
Live Sobriety Group
618 Jefferson Ave
Toppenish, WA


7:30 pm
Saint Timothy's Church
4105 Richey Road
Yakima, WA


6:30 pm
Saint Michael's Episcopal Church
5 South Naches Avenue
Yakima, WA


5:30 pm
Steps To Recovery AFG
Unity Church
401 S 8th Ave
Yakima, WA

There is more than one rehab option in Toppenish. This is because everyone has different needs when getting addiction help.

Inpatient rehab is a residential program where you’ll stay on a campus for up to 28 days. During this time, you’ll go through one-on-one and group therapy daily. This varies with everyone as you get a tailored program when you go to inpatient rehab. The therapy is high quality and you receive 24/7 support.

This program is useful after rehab if you’re not ready to go home. This may be due to a complex addiction problem or a home life that is harmful to your recovery. PHP can last from 3-6 months at which time you stay in a sober living home. There are various therapy sessions available to you daily. This program is flexible and you can choose what meetings or sessions you want to attend.

If you aren’t able to take time away, an outpatient program might be best for you. You stay at home while going for treatment. It’s low-cost and flexible, however you’re missing out on quality treatment. There is also an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that costs a little more but offers the same kind of immersive treatment as an inpatient program. When getting treatment with IOP, you’ll go to an addiction facility. Afterwards, you are free to go home or back to work.

Detox is the first step of addiction recovery. It is the process of getting the toxins out of your body. You’ll stop using substances and let the body cleanse itself. This will bring on withdrawal symptoms that are uncomfortable or even puts your health at risk. Professional detox is highly recommended. You get constant support and you’re vitals are monitored. If necessary, they will give you a medical detox which will make this process more comfortable and less risky. It takes about a week to successfully detox. Once complete, you should move onto therapy.

Our Addiction Treatment Facility

Northpoint Recovery is located in Edmonds, WA and is a 3 hour drive from Toppenish.

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

Crack Cocaine Addiction and Treatment

Is Inpatient Rehab in Toppenish, WA Right For You?

Yes, inpatient rehab is the best option. It gives you an excellent foundation to start your addiction recovery. You get personalized treatment and constant support. The reality is, not everyone can take the time out from life and commit to inpatient treatment. If this is the case, there are other options. There are outpatient programs that are quite relaxed and helpful for those with mild addictions. There is also the IOP which gives you more intensive treatment. If money is a concern, make sure to verify your insurance for any of the mentioned programs.

At Northpoint Washington, we are committed to helping people with addiction recovery. We have already helped thousands of people. Our professional and compassionate staff specialize in addiction. We use the most up-to-date methods that are scientifically proven to help in addiction recovery. We can help you with the admissions process, detox, rehab, and aftercare plans. You aren’t alone, we are here to help. Contact us for any questions you have or to start the recovery process.

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Talk to a Rehab Specialist

Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.

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