Our Washington Location
Our inpatient facility is located in Washington, and will serve Washington state. It will provide a safe & therapeutic environment for both our staff and patients.
- Edmonds
7416 212th St SW,
Edmonds, WA 98026
The large volume of people that live there, combined with the artsy and eclectic nature of the area, provide a prime atmosphere in which addiction can thrive if unchecked. The sheer size of the problem has been recognized by the authorities in Belltown, which lead to them launching the LEAD program in 2011.
Trying to tackle addiction alone can problematic, or downright impossible. Fortunately, the Seattle area is rife with alcohol and drug rehab resources that can help addicts swiftly down the road to recovery. The Belltown, Seattle Washington addiction resources found in this guide will go a long way in helping you succeed.
Beating an addiction is made up of two major steps: actually quitting using drugs or alcohol, and maintaining sobriety throughout life. An inpatient program is extremely beneficial for the first step, providing the intense structure and assistance that period usually requires. However, once the time has come to leave an inpatient facility, it is crucial to find helpful support and recovery resources to use on an ongoing basis.
The 12-step program is the basis for the lion's share of the most effective types of outpatient recovery and support groups. In those types of programs, participants are taught to handle different aspects of their lives that can contribute to addictive behavior. Rather than try and tackle everything at once, this method allows each addict to proceed at their own pace. Changes made usually last much longer with this type of approach.
Alcoholics Anonymous is the single most respected name in battling alcohol addiction. AA holds no affiliation with any religious or political organization, rather just strives to offer a safe place where alcoholics can meet and help each other stay sober. The only qualification for attending an AA meeting is a strong desire to stop drinking.
There are dozens of AA meetings located directly in Belltown itself. These encompass a wide range of days and times, and may include extras that are helpful for your situation. This gives you plenty of options to choose from in aiding you in the battle against the bottle.
Time: 7:00 AM
Group name: Belltown AM Group
Location: Street Bean Espresso 2711 3rd Ave
Time: 2:00 PM
Group name: Sober On The Street
Location: Matt Talbot / New Hope Ctr. 2313 3rd Ave
Time: 7:00 PM
Group name: Dos O Tres
Location: Matt Talbot / New Hope Ctr 2313 3rd Ave
Time: 1:00 PM
Group name: Angeline's
Location: Benton City Library 810 Horne Dr
Time: 12:00 PM
Group name: Hard In The Paint
Location: Bedlam Cafe 2231 2nd Ave
Drug addiction of any kind is a much different experience than alcohol addiction. The triggers and stressors that plague a drug addict require different care and support to handle successfully. This makes it much more beneficial for addicts to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings rather than go to AA. Their message of hope and personal freedom makes it an effective resource for all people trying to kick a devastating drug addiction.
There are a large number of NA meetings in Seattle, and many of those are located in and around the Belltown neighborhood.
Time: 6:00 PM
Group name: From the Streets to the Seats
Location: Cherry Fellowship Hall 2701 E Cherry St
2.7 miles
Time: 6:00 pm
Group name: An Atmosphere of Recovery
Location: Sunset Electric Apt. 1111 E. Pine Street
1.5 miles
Time: 6:00 pm
Group name: Generation Rx
Location: Recovery Cafe 2022 Boren Ave
0.6 miles
Family and friends of an alcoholic often find themselves in difficult positions. The need to find that fine line between helping and enabling can be difficult to figure out alone. At times, it can be beneficial to just have an ear from people that know exactly what you are going through.
Al-Anon meetings are places that these loved ones can come to, that provide a safe space to unload their burden, and receive support from others experiencing the same trial. Not only does this help immensely, it can also provide insights and understanding that will help the alcoholic the most in the long run.
There are several Al-Anon meetings in central Seattle, within easy driving distance from Belltown.
Time: 8:00 PM
Group name: Queen Anne AFG
Location: Queen Anne Lutheran Church 2400 8th Ave W
Time: 7:30 PM
Group name: Saturday AFG Recovery
Location: Sandpoint Community Church 4710 NE 70th St
Caring for a drug addict can be as difficult, or more, than for someone addicted to alcohol. Many drug addictions include the possibility of overdose, making it vital for loved ones to know how to handle their addicted charges. Many are the sad stories of loved ones snatched away too early in life. This can often lead to friends and family wondering how they could have helped them better.
Nar Anon provides the support and experience to this group of loved ones that they need for the greatest chance to avoid this and other types of tragedies. It also helps attendees to make sure they take care of themselves as well as those with the addiction.
There are several Nar Anon meetings in Seattle as a whole, and in the Belltown district in specific.
Time: 7:00 PM
Group name: Hope Lives Here
Location: Luther Memorial Lutheran Church 13047 Greenwood Ave.
8.4 miles away
Time: 7:00 PM
Group name: Ballard Nar-Anon
Location: St. Paul's Church 6512 12th Ave. NW
5.5 miles away
Time: 7:00 PM
Group name: Serenity Trail
Location: St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 4228 Factoria Blvd.
10.5 miles away
Dealing with a loved one with an addiction can be especially trying for children. Lower maturity and experience levels make it even more likely that children can come up short for themselves or their addicted friend or family member. Given how influential things like that can be at such a young age, it is especially necessary for kids to get the help and support they need.
Alateen meetings provide this assistance in spades. Teens and young adults can come together and share experiences and problems in a secure space, with no judgments or condemnation. There are numerous Alateen meetings in Seattle, easily accessible from the Belltown region.
Time: 7:00 PM
Group name: West Seattle Alateen
Location: 3940 41st Ave SW Seattle
3.7 miles away
Time: 7:30 PM
Group name: Lake City Monday Night Alateen
Location: 2650 148th Ave SE Bellevue
7.6 miles away
Time: 8:00 PM
Group name: Courage To Be Me Alateen
Location: 2400 8th Ave W
2 miles away
An alternative to the traditional 12-step program is Self-Management And Recovery Training, or SMART. SMART is based on science, and provides a 4-step program that is substantially different than what is found at AA or NA. SMART is effective for all types of addictive behavior, including those dealing with both drugs and alcohol. SMART also provides online resources and meetings, in addition to in-person gatherings.
There are numerous SMART meetings throughout Seattle. Finding one within reasonable driving distance from Belltown should be a snap.
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Sacred Heart Church 205 2nd Ave. North
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Seattle Public Library - Capitol Hill Branch 425 Harvard Ave. E
Time: 12:45 PM
Location: ABHC 2111 N Northgate Way, Suite 212
If you have arrived at the decision to start yourself on the road to sobriety, we urge you to contact us to see if we can help. Not all addictions are the same, so the solution is never one-size-fits-all. Discovering if our program is right for you is just one phone call or email away.
Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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