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Stimulant Drugs Addiction in Washington

Stimulant Drugs and Addiction: Are You a Stimulant Drugs Addict in Need of Help?

Stimulant drugs are drugs that are taken as a way to increase energy and alertness. They also boost your mood, help improve attention and create a sense of euphoria in some cases. Stimulant drugs can be illegal or legal, depending on which drug you’re referring to.

what are stimulant drugs
what are stimulant drugs
stimulant drug street names
common stimulant drugs

Some of the most common stimulant drugs include: 

  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Crack Cocaine
  • Crystal Meth
  • Ecstasy
  • Flakka 

Stimulants go by a number of different names on the street. Some of the more common street names include: 

  • Speed
  • White Crosses
  • Dexies
  • Bennies
  • Crystal
  • Uppers 
prescription stimulant drugs

Prescribed stimulant drugs are often used to treat several different conditions, such as asthma, obesity, ADHD and depression. 

Stimulant drugs are very dangerous in most cases, and an addiction to them can happen quickly, whether they’re legal or illegal drugs. If you’ve been using stimulant drugs, you might have a lot of questions about what you’re experiencing, such as: 

  • Do I have a stimulant drugs addiction?
  • What is stimulant drugs abuse?
  • If I stop taking stimulant drugs, what are the symptoms of withdrawal that I can expect to experience?
  • What happens if I overdose on stimulant drugs?
  • Where can I go to get help if I have stimulant drugs addiction signs? 

The fact that you’re participating with stimulant drugs use shows that you could possibly have the potential for an addiction. If that’s the case, it’s so important to be able to recognize it for what it is, and get the right stimulant drugs information so you know what you should do next.

signs of stimulant drugs addiction

What is Stimulant Drugs Addiction? Know the Warning Signs

It’s quite common for people to believe that they have their stimulant drugs use completely under their control. They may even be exhibiting all of the tell-tale signs of stimulant drugs addiction, but they still believe that they can stop using them whenever they choose to.

Maybe that’s exactly how you feel. If you do, it can help to know what some of the more common stimulant drugs addiction symptoms are so that you can pinpoint whether or not you need to seek out professional help right away. These can include:

  • Going through withdrawal when you haven’t used in a short time
  • Feeling restless in your body
  • Becoming increasingly anxious
  • Experiencing mood swings
  • Becoming very excited and talkative

The longer you use stimulant drugs, the more intense the warning signs of addiction can become. You may eventually begin exhibiting symptoms of psychosis that involve having hallucinations or delusions. You could also start showing signs of paranoia, and feeling like everyone is out to get you.

Stimulant Drugs Abuse Definition: Know Your Stimulant Drugs Abuse Facts

When it comes to stimulant drugs abuse, it’s really important to know the facts behind what makes abuse so much different than an addiction. For prescription stimulants, such as amphetamines, stimulant drugs abuse occurs when you’re using these drugs in a way that goes against their intended use. For illegal stimulant drugs, abuse is identified by any usage of them whatsoever.

It is possible to be abusing stimulant drugs without being addicted to them. However, please keep in mind that an addiction to these types of drugs can occur very quickly. In some cases, it can occur much faster than it does with other types of drugs.

Stimulant drugs abuse statistics tell us that almost 90% of all college students in the U.S. have used prescription amphetamines, and the illegal use of stimulant drugs is on the rise as well. It’s clear that stimulant drugs abuse is dangerous, and more often than not, it leads to addiction.

Stimulant Drugs Addiction Facts: What Happens During Withdrawal?

More often than not, people who are abusing or who have become addicted to stimulant drugs will try to stop using them on their own before considering getting professional help. This is very dangerous because doing so can lead to some very uncomfortable and in some cases, even dangerous withdrawal symptoms. These might include:

  • Having excessive cravings for your drug of choice
  • Extreme anxiety or panic attacks
  • Symptoms of major depression
  • Becoming very fatigued
  • Experiencing an increase in appetite, which can lead to weight gain

Stopping your use of stimulants should always happen under the careful observation of professionals in a medical setting. That way, your cessation can be monitored, and any withdrawal symptoms can be lessened or treated accordingly.


The Effects of Stimulant Drugs During an Overdose

It is possible to overdose on stimulant drugs, and quite often, this occurs when someone has tried to stop taking them on their own, and then found that they couldn’t. To help ease the pain of withdrawal, these individuals go back to using. However, they don’t realize that their tolerance levels have changed, and so their “normal” dosage ends up resulting in an overdose.

Symptoms of an overdose from stimulant drugs might include:

  • A sudden onset of seizures
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Certain skin disorders
  • Heart abnormalities
  • Changes in breathing or respiratory distress
Stimulant Drugs Addiction Treatment

Advice for Stimulant Drugs Addicts: Stimulant Drugs Addiction Treatment in WA

If you’re addicted to stimulant drugs, whether you’ve been addicted to them for quite some time, or your addiction is still relatively new, you’re causing a great deal of damage to your body and mind. You may have been feeling as though you’re going to be a slave to your addiction forever, but that doesn’t have to be the case at all.

Getting help from a stimulant drugs addiction treatment center can give you the support you need to successfully leave your addiction behind and focus on your recovery.

At Northpoint Recovery, we want you to know that we are there for you during this critical time in your life. We want you to be successful in your quit, and we’re here to provide you with the tools you need to accomplish that goal. Please contact us today if you would like to learn more.

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prescription stimulant drugs infographic