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Paxil Addiction in Washington

Paxil Addiction: What is Paxil Addiction and are You a Paxil Addict?

Paxil is an antidepressant prescription medication that has been around since the early 1990s. It works by elevating your mood and relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression. For those who need Paxil, this medication is very effective. However, it’s also a drug that can become addictive.

Recent Paxil abuse statistics indicate that about 10% of the people in the United States depends upon antidepressants like this one. For the most part, Paxil is not considered to be physically addictive, but it is one that is very psychologically addictive, causing people to feel as though they need Paxil in order to survive.

Perhaps your own Paxil use has raised some concerns for you, and you’re wondering if you’ve developed a Paxil addiction. Getting the right Paxil information can help to answer that question for you.

Paxil Addiction Information

What is Paxil Abuse? What are the Signs of Paxil Addiction?

The Paxil abuse definition refers to the use of Paxil that goes against how your doctor prescribed it. For example, perhaps you’ve made the decision to start using Paxil in higher doses because of a difficult situation you’re facing at your job. This would be considered Paxil abuse. If this behavior continues, you’re likely to start showing some of the more common Paxil addiction signs, and these might include:

  • Realizing that you continue to develop a tolerance for your current dosage of Paxil
  • You feel as though you need Paxil to feel like yourself
  • If you miss a dose of Paxil, you experience withdrawal
  • You consider adding other drugs or alcohol to Paxil to intensify the effects of the drug
  • Your reliance upon Paxil begins to affect other aspects of your life in a negative way

Paxil Addiction Facts for Paxil Addicts: Is Overdosing a Possibility?

Overdosing on Paxil is a possibility, and this usually occurs in one of two ways.

First, an overdose is possible if you make the decision to increase your dosage of Paxil on your own without talking with your doctor first. It’s possible that doing something like doubling how much you take in a day could be too much for you, and this can lead to some significant problems. 

The second way that people often overdose on Paxil might be when they’ve decided to stop taking it, and then they suffer through withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are hard to manage, and so they go back to using Paxil, but they take the dose they were taking right before they stopped. Because tolerance levels have changed, this can result in an overdose. 

Some signs of Paxil overdose to look for include:
  • The onset of convulsions
  • Rapid changes in heart rate
  • Blood pressure fluctuations
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Becoming very confused 

For someone who has overdosed on Paxil, the risk of heart problems and even coma is very high, and medical help is required immediately.

Paxil Addiction Treatment

Beyond Paxil Abuse: Paxil Addiction Treatment Options in Washington State

Now that you have the right Paxil abuse facts, perhaps you’ve realized that you’re demonstrating many Paxil addiction symptoms in your own life. Most people don’t mean to become addicted to Paxil, and once they realize they are, they panic.

It’s not a good idea to try to stop using Paxil on your own because of the symptoms of withdrawal that can result from doing so. You can avoid many of the short and long-term effects of Paxil by contacting one of the best Paxil addiction treatment programs in Washington State.

At Northpoint Recovery, we can work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that will help you successfully recover from your Paxil addiction. If you would like to learn more, or if you’re ready to get started right away, please contact us.

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