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Meloxicam Addiction Treatment Program

a group talks in a meloxicam addiction treatment programPain medications like Tylenol and Advil have become so common that not seeing them in the cabinet may seem strange. For people who suffer from chronic pain, these medications are a lifeline. They help ease the pain and allow people to get on with their lives. But pain medications can also be dangerous. They can be addictive and lead to other problems. Meloxicam is often used for chronic pain but tends to be abused. A meloxicam addiction treatment program can provide the tools and environment needed to begin recovery.

If you or a loved one struggle with meloxicam abuse, there is no better time to get help than now. At Northpoint Washington, our personalized recovery plans help you get sober and meet your goals. Start substance abuse treatment in Edmonds, WA by calling us at 888.450.2153 today.

What Is Meloxicam?

Meloxicam is a pain medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is used to relieve pain, swelling, and stiffness caused by arthritis.

Doctors often prescribe meloxicam for people who have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It works by reducing inflammation and pain in the joints and is available in both pill and injectable forms.

Side Effects of Meloxicam

NSAIDs can have significant long-term health effects but may also have some short-term consequences. Like all NSAIDs, meloxicam may cause:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Stomach pain

Severe side effects of long-term meloxicam use may include stomach ulcers, kidney problems, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Even after experiencing the negative side effects of meloxicam, people who abuse it may continue to use the drug.

Meloxicam and Other Drugs

Even though meloxicam is generally a safe medication, it may be dangerous to mix with other medications or substances. People who abuse meloxicam may combine it with other drugs, such as alcohol, to increase the effects. This can lead to overdose and death.

Mixing meloxicam with other drugs can also increase the risk of severe side effects. For example, combining meloxicam with other NSAIDs can increase the risk of stomach ulcers and bleeding.

Signs of Meloxicam Abuse

People who abuse meloxicam may take more of the drug or take it more often than prescribed. They may also crush the pills and snort them or mix them with water and inject them. Meloxicam abuse can often be recognized by:

  • Missing pills
  • Constant fatigue
  • Disorientation
  • Slurred speech
  • Numbness
  • Paranoia
  • Aggression

Though substance abuse does not always indicate dependence, it is the first step in the addiction cycle. As a person abuses the drug, their tolerance increases. An increased tolerance drives people to seek increasingly high doses of the substance they abuse and can lead to dependence.

Meloxicam Withdrawal Symptoms

A person who has taken meloxicam for a long time may experience withdrawal symptoms since their body has become psychologically dependent on the medication. Meloxicam withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Depression

Withdrawing from meloxicam can be difficult and uncomfortable. Many users begin to experience pain that was managed with meloxicam and may have a sense of loss after quitting. Detoxifying from meloxicam in a professional rehabilitation center can help manage withdrawal symptoms, including pain.

The Meloxicam Addiction Treatment Program at Northpoint Washington

The road to recovery starts with a commitment to quit taking meloxicam. If you are ready to get help, our addiction treatment specialists at Northpoint Washington are here for you. We offer a variety of services to help you detox from meloxicam and other substances, including:

  • Inpatient detoxification – The first step toward recovery, our skilled team of addiction and medical professionals provides 24/7 support to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients.
  • Individual therapy – Our individual therapy sessions focus on helping you understand your addiction, build self-esteem, and develop healthier habits.
  • Group therapy – Our group therapy sessions give patients the opportunity to learn from and support each other as they progress in their recovery journey.
  • Family therapy – Our family therapy sessions are designed to provide support and education for the families of our patients. These sessions also provide an opportunity for patients to rebuild critical bonds with people they’ll lean on after rehab.
  • Medication management – We provide medication management to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. This gives our patients a chance to ensure their medication plan for mental health and addiction treatment promotes true healing.
  • Relapse prevention– Our relapse prevention program provides support and guidance to help you stay sober and continue progress in your recovery.

Your success in sobriety is our priority. Your recovery goals will be the foundation of your treatment plan at Northpoint Washington. Contact us at 888.450.2153 today to get started in our meloxicam addiction treatment program.