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Librium Addiction in Washington

What is Librium Addiction? Get the Librium Information You Need

Librium abuse statistics indicate that every year more than 50 million prescriptions are written for Benzodiazepines. This includes Librium. Also, in 2011, 31% of all overdose deaths involved Benzodiazepines. It’s clear that this classification of drugs is dangerous, and yet, Librium continues to be prescribed to people all the time to treat a wide variety of conditions.

Most of the time, Librium is prescribed to treat anxiety, but it is also used to help with withdrawal symptoms for those who are trying to stop drinking alcohol. Librium has a long half-life, which means it stays working in the body for a long period of time after the last dose has been taken.

Librium is a drug that can become addictive, even if it is only ever taken in regularly prescribed dosages. However, there are those who choose to increase how much Librium they’re taking so that they can maximize the effects of the drug.

If you believe you might be a Librium addict, it can help to learn the Librium abuse facts that can help you understand what your next step should be.

Librium Addiction Information

Librium Addiction Facts: Understanding the Effects of Librium on the Body

Librium is a central nervous system depressant that works a lot like alcohol in the body. Anyone who takes Librium for a period of time, or who increases their dosage on their own without their doctor’s approval runs the risk of experiencing some serious negative side effects from using this drug.

The short-term effects of Librium might include: 

  • Going into respiratory distress
  • Upset stomach
  • Becoming very dizzy
  • Increasing amounts of fatigue
  • Blurry vision 

The longer you take Librium, the worse the side effects of the drug can become. This is especially true for those who are abusing it. The long-term effects of Librium may include: 

  • Mental function problems
  • Onset of mood disorders
  • Renal function impact
  • Liver problems or even liver disease
  • Onset of jaundice
  • Major depressive disorder 

As you can see, Librium is a drug that should not be taken for a long time, and when abuse occurs, the consequences of that abuse can even become life-threatening.

Librium Use: What is Librium Abuse?

The basic Librium abuse definition is any use of Librium that is outside of doctor’s orders. Quite often, people will confuse the terms abuse and addiction when it comes to their use of this drug, but Librium abuse always precedes addiction. It is possible to find Librium to purchase on the street because of the effects it produces. This is another form of abuse.

For someone who is using Librium to help with an alcohol addiction, this individual is more prone to abusing the drug than someone who is using it to treat an anxiety disorder. This should always be a consideration whenever starting Librium to treat alcoholism. However, every single day, doctors continue to prescribe it, and some experts believe that this practice is really only trading one addiction for another, and it does nothing to help people in the long term.

Do You Have the Signs of Librium Addiction?

It is possible to be addicted to a drug like Librium and not realize it. Perhaps that’s how you feel. You started taking it because it was prescribed for you by your doctor, and you became addicted to it unknowingly, or you suspect that you’re addicted to it. There are some typical Librium addiction symptoms you can look for to determine whether or not you have an actual addiction to Librium. These might include:

  • You feel “off” if you forget to take a dose of your medication.
  • You’ve been advised to stop taking it by your doctor and you feel anxiety about that.
  • You’ve gone to various doctors to get multiple prescriptions for Librium.
  • You’ve taken more of the medication at times to experience better results.
  • You’ve tried to stop taking Librium, but haven’t been able to. 

If you notice any of these Librium addiction signs, there is a good chance that you’re addicted to it.

Librium Addiction Treatment

Librium Addiction and Librium Addiction Treatment Programs in WA State

Because Librium was prescribed to you by your doctor, you might find yourself in a state of shock thinking that you could be addicted to it. Unfortunately, many people are surprised to learn that they have a Librium addiction, even when they’ve been knowingly participating in Librium abuse for quite some time. Please avoid trying to stop taking Librium on your own. The symptoms of withdrawal from Librium can be difficult to deal with without professional help.

The good news is that Librium addicts are not left to suffer on their own with this addiction. Help is available from some of Washington’s best Librium addiction treatment centers. Northpoint Recovery is considered to be one of them, and if you have an addiction to Librium, it’s so important for you to get the professional help you need to recover. We’d love the chance to help you in your recovery journey. Please contact us today to get started as soon as possible.

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