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DMT Addiction Treatment Program

a vivid pitcute of a person with colorful copies of their face overlaid on them displaying the effects of psychedelics and the potential need for dmt addiction treatmentDimethyltryptamine, or DMT, is a substance found in plants. DMT causes hallucinations, which are visions, feelings, or sounds that are not real. Since the drug causes hallucinations, many people seek it out for recreational use. Some people can even become addicted to the substance and eventually need help to break their dependence. DMT addiction treatment can help you overcome dependence on the drug

If you or a loved one struggles with DMT abuse, it is not too late to get help. Contact us today to enroll in our substance abuse treatment in Washington.

What Is DMT?

Many experts believe that DMT use started in South America, where tribes of people ceremoniously ingested and smoked plants containing the compound. DMT highs produce powerful hallucinations that some people interpret as visions.

While it is not as widespread as drugs like cocaine or marijuana, the substance’s potency makes the tendency for abuse high.

DMT in the United States

DMT is one of the most potent hallucinogenic drugs in the country and can be extremely dangerous. Trafficking the drug in the U.S. can bring a lifetime prison sentence.

However, it did not become popular in the United States until the 1950s and 1960s, during the counterculture movement of that era. The drug gained widespread attention during this time due to its powerful psychedelic effects and the experiences and insights reported by those who used it. Despite being illegal in the United States, DMT has continued to be used recreationally and in spiritual practices by some individuals.

Tracking DMT abuse in the U.S. can be difficult since it is illegal to poses and use. However, DMT is commonly used in the underground and illegal drug market, and it is likely that its use is more prevalent in urban areas and college towns where there is a higher concentration of people who may be interested in experimenting with psychedelic drugs.

It is also worth noting that DMT is not as widely used as other illicit substances, therefore it may be less prevalent in certain regions compared to others.

What Is a DMT High Like?

Like other hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs, DMT interacts with a person’s mind to make them see visions and hear sounds that are not there. Each person will experience different hallucinations since their minds are unique.

Some other effects of a DMT high include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Intense euphoria
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increase heart rate
  • Warped perception of time

DMT use can sometimes cause a bad reaction, known as a bad trip. People with mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, are prone to having bad trips. Nausea, vomiting, and terrifying hallucinations can occur when someone has a bad trip.

Signs of DMT Abuse and Addiction

Like many other substances, people who abuse DMT can eventually slip into the cycle of addiction. After a person begins taking DMT more often, they may start to increase their dose since their tolerance has increased.

An increased tolerance can very easily lead to a physical and emotional dependence on DMT since the body does not know how to operate without it. Dependence is the telltale sign of addiction.

Other signs of addiction include:

  • Craving DMT
  • Neglecting work or school to get high
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Making poor financial decisions
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawing from DMT can be uncomfortable and dangerous. Many times, withdrawal symptoms force people to relapse and retake the drug. Professional detoxification centers may be a good choice for people to detox safely from DMT.

DMT Withdrawal Symptoms

Since DMT is a psychoactive drug that interacts with a person’s brain, severe mental symptoms can occur when someone tries to quit DMT. Physical symptoms can also occur, and the combination of the two can even be fatal.

Some DMT withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure
  • Psychosis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Depression
  • Coordination problems

Physical symptoms usually peak within a few days after quitting DMT, but mental symptoms can persist for weeks and months after getting sober. Seeking a professional detox center can be a critical decision in the recovery journey.

Choosing not to detox from DMT can severely impact a person’s mental health and significantly increase their risk of self-harm and suicide. A DMT addiction treatment program can help taper off the drug safely while monitoring vital signs.

DMT Addiction Treatment at Northpoint Washington

Addiction is an isolating, scary experience. If you are ready to take the steps to recovery, there is no better time to start than now. Our detox and rehabilitation programs can help you get clean and learn the skills needed to succeed in sobriety.

During your time in our center, you will receive dedicated care from our medical professionals and a personalized treatment plan for your recovery needs. Your recovery is our priority, even after you leave our care.

Contact us today at 888.450.2153 to get started.