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Our inpatient facility is located in Washington, and will serve Washington state. It will provide a safe & therapeutic environment for both our staff and patients.
- Edmonds
7416 212th St SW,
Edmonds, WA 98026
Morphine relieves severe pain and offers euphoric effects. It has a high potential for addiction and tolerance will occur quickly. It’s not the preferred prescription painkiller it once was for this very reason. It is a Schedule II drug as per the FDA but is also abused illicitly and available for purchase on the streets. It’s chemical makeup is similar to heroin which makes it highly addictive. Many people don’t take it’s addictive nature too seriously, especially when they’ve been prescribed the drug for pain.
The withdrawal symptoms that occur when you try to stop using morphine can be severe. For many, they are too much to handle. You might be able to hold off for a few days but without help, relapse is most likely.This puts you at risk because relapse is one of the main causes of opioid overdose. Getting help when you have a morphine addiction is necessary due to the strong nature of addiction.
Morphine rehab will allow you to understand why you began using. It makes the process of recovery faster and more effective. Studies have found that there is a 60% greater chance of recovery when you go through professional rehab. To put in all the work of abstaining from morphine to then throw it all away because you don’t have the tools is a tragedy.
Morphine is an opioid drug that is manufactured from the poppy plant. It has been around for centuries, and it was developed as an alternative to opium. Originally, it was used in surgeries to lessen the pain experienced before anesthesia was available. During the Civil War, many soldiers took this drug to help with intense pain from the loss of limbs and other severe injuries. The drug was highly addictive and the addiction became known as “Soldiers Disease.” Even though the drug lost favor as other less addictive drugs were introduced, it’s still in use today for pain relief.
Morphine is a drug that’s often given as an accompaniment to anesthesia during surgical procedures, and it’s also used to relieve severe pain during the healing process and is found in some cough syrups. It’s important that the drug is given only under certain circumstances, and only for a short period of time because it’s so addictive. Medical professionals are always careful to wean patients off it slowly when they’re ready to stop it.
Heroin is developed similarly to morphine, and it was first used to treat an addiction to the drug. However, it was soon found to be just as addictive and other treatments had to be used. Relapse rates are highest among morphine users of all addictive substances.
Most of the time, morphine use is monitored so closely that addiction doesn’t have the opportunity to form. However, this is not the case all the time. There are those who may be predisposed to addiction who can easily become addicted to this drug. There are also some doctors who will prescribe it for chronic pain.
Since humans recognized that the opium poppy plant had medicinal and recreational effects, it’s been used. The plant grows natively in Asia and during the industrialization age, Asians came over to America. They brought opium with them which seemed like the normal thing to do as it was so commonly used. In the 18th and 19th century, opium addiction rose to extreme levels.
They needed to find a solution for mitigating addictive opium effects while still being able to use it for medicinal purposes. Friedrich Serturner isolated morphine as a cold medication in the beginning of the 1800’s. He initially named it “morphium” after the Greek god of Dream, “Morpheus.” 1817, Serturner promoted it as pain relief and the treatment of opium and alcohol addiction. Merck, a pharmaceutical company began marketing it in the 1820’s.
In the mid 1990’s, it was deemed the miracle drug. Doctors prescribed it liberally on injured soldiers during the American Civil War. After the war, many of the veterans had an addiction to morphine. Morphine also became a substitute for opium in an effort to treat opiate addiction. The introduction of the hypodermic needle offered up a new way to introduce morphine into the bloodstream. This would make it more effective than opium for pain relief. This also increased it’s addictive nature.
To try to fix the problem, they started manufacturing morphine sulfate tablets. This would reduce dependence in people who needed it as a pain reliever. The tablets would of course release the morphine in smaller doses. This is what is used more today and they have even created a more advanced tablet that you can’t tamper with. Throughout time, people realized you could crush these tablets and abuse them.
Of course, it’s still used today in the medical industry. Recreational use still occurs but heroin is more readily available on the streets.
The drug can be purchased on the street as well. Some of the street names it’s found under include:
If you’re out on the street and asking for these drugs by name, it’s time to get help. This is a serious addiction that can cost you everything, including your life. It won’t be easy to do it alone. If you’re addicted, it’s so important for you to realize how serious this addiction is. Getting help from a drug rehab center is vital to your recovery because this is not a drug you should try to stop on your own.
There is a lot of attention put towards the new prescription painkillers but morphine addiction does exist. It causes problems for individuals and family members. With so many more opioid abusers due to prescription opioids, there are also people abusing morphine because it’s available. Here are some surprising statistics about morphine abuse and addiction:
Because morphine is still prescribed by doctors for pain relief, it’s most commonly used in a medical setting. However, it can easily be abused by the patient when it no longer provides relief from the severe pain they are experiencing.
Abuse often begins by the person taking a pill more frequently than recommended. They may take an extra pill because the first one doesn’t quite knock out the pain anymore.
The body often builds a tolerance to morphine. While it may work remarkably well in the beginning when it’s first prescribed, it becomes less effective the longer you take it. You may need a higher dosage or to take it more frequently to get the same effects.
Many people choose to change the dosage on their own without talking to their doctor. The changes may be minor in the beginning, such as taking it an hour earlier. When they run out of the medication, they will find excuses to get it refilled sooner or go to another doctor who will give them an additional prescription without knowing they already have one.
Drug use turns into abuse when the person takes the medication in a way other than how it was prescribed. Other signs of drug abuse are taking it for another purpose such as to get high, thinking about using even when you’re not, and avoiding people and activities that would inhibit your ability to use. Often, people think abusing a drug is no big deal, but it can become a problem, especially if it leads to financial, legal or relationship troubles.
As you continue to abuse the drug, your system becomes dependent on it. The brain produces less of the chemicals naturally that are found in the morphine so it depends on the drug to attain the right equilibrium.
Once your body is addicted, it cannot function correctly without the drug. It sounds out warning signs in the form of withdrawal symptoms which force you to find more of the drug so you can feel normal once again. At this point, you cannot stop using whenever you want to.
Morphine is a dangerous drug for several reasons. Besides causing addiction of its own, it can lead to other addictions. It often becomes increasingly difficult to get a prescription when you’re taking more of this drug than you should. You may go out on the street to try to get it where you’ll find it readily available. However, you may soon discover that morphine’s illustrious cousin, heroin, is cheaper to buy and even more readily found. One of the biggest dangers of abuse is that you’ll soon switch to another, even more dangerous drug.
This drug is known as a depressant which means it depresses the central nervous system. This is how it stops you from feeling pain after an injury or surgery. It is dangerous to combine morphine with other drugs, but many addicts do so to achieve a more intense high or to make it last longer.
When you combine it with another depressant or sedative, you increase your risk of overdosing because both drugs do the same thing. They will slow down your heart rate and breathing. It could end up slowing things down too much.
It’s also dangerous to mix morphine with a stimulant even though these drugs have opposite effects. A stimulant will speed up your metabolism and give you energy. When you combine the two drugs, you’re at an increased risk for overdosing because you won’t feel the effects of the drugs as strongly since the other one is providing the opposite effect.
It’s quite possible to overdose on morphine, especially when you’re seeking a high. It’s important to know what an overdose looks like so you can get help right away. If you have a loved one using or abusing this drug, make sure you know the signs of overdose, which include the following:
If an overdose isn’t treated with immediate medical help, the person could die.
This video explains how a man experienced morphine overdose. He was saved by Narcan which reverses the effects of opioids. He was able to remember certain parts of his overdose and talked about how he was blacking out. He would become conscious from time to time but eventually, he completely blacked out. He said it felt like he teleported and ‘came to’ extremely quickly. He vomited. The doctors had given him Narcan and he was completely sober once administered.
Morphine is in the opioid. So if you’re addicted to opioid prescription painkillers, you can use it to get your fix. This is also true for heroin and fentanyl. That makes a morphine addiction interchangeable. An opioid addict will take what they can get to feel that high.
“Everybody’s rock bottom is different”
It started with a BMX injury at about 19 years old. This ex opiate addict started with 30 mg Percocet because he had a knee injury. Realistically, once you start to use every day, it starts to destroy your looks. Your face become dull and destroys your mental capacity. Opioids are interchangeable so if someone addicted to opioid prescription pills can also get their fix on morphine.
This particular junkie went through a 28 day rehab. He never got arrested and he didn’t go into major debt. Yet, his life has forever changed. Now recovered, he reflects back on what it was like spending $500 a day on opioids.
When you’re on it, you’ll ‘nod out’ and it might look like a person is sleeping. He explains that he was conscious and could hear everything that was going on around him. He could snap out of it.
He went to work while dosing. This ex opiate junkie can now spot someone using right away.
Laura Hope Laws was just 17 when she overdosed on morphine. She was known as someone who would help anyone out. She was active in her church’s youth group and participated in missions trips. She was athletic and well liked. She was also a teen heroin addict.
She was injured in soccer, breaking her jaw. She became addicted to powerful opiate painkillers that were prescribed to her. When the prescription ran out for good, she looked for other means of getting her fix. She would go through other people’s medicine cabinets and look for any pills that would get her high. She would turn to heroin as it was cheaper and more available.
Laura eventually admitted to her family that she was a heroin addict. They got her help, putting her in an intensive outpatient treatment program. This is a program that allowed her to be at home while going to a facility to get helpful treatment daily. She would relapse and her parents put her into a 20 day inpatient rehab program. Just before going on a family holiday, Laura relapsed and overdosed. Apparently she met up with a friend who was using drugs. She died from a mixture of alcohol, morphine, and cocaine.
Famous hollywood actors will often experience more pressure in their life than any of us can imagine. They have easy access to medications because of their connections. They have enough money to continue abusing whatever substances they become dependent on. Some Hollywood actors have become addicted to morphine. As opioids are interchangeable, it can easily go from opioid painkillers to morphine abuse.
Jamie Lee Curtis started taking prescription painkillers after a cosmetic eye surgery. She eventually used morphine to escape her life. She was able to get past her morphine addiction and recently talked about it in a Huffington Post blog after Prince had died from opioid overdose.
Michael Jackson would be more well-known for his addiction to Demerol. However, he was given morphine after his hair caught fire in the 1984 Pepsi commercial he did. During his Child Molestation case, he became extremely stressed out. He was unable to sleep and began using narcotics to relieve pain and help him sleep. Michael Jackson didn’t overdose, it was his doctor who unintentionally administered too much medication.
It’s dangerous enough to abuse morphine as it can cause overdose easily. The reason for morphine overdose is because it depresses the central nervous system. This means that your heart rate can reduce to the point where you stop breathing. When you mix other depressants like alcohol, you are doubling your chances of an overdose.
Even just a small amount of alcohol mixed with morphine can be deadly. Alcohol can enhance the effects of morphine and vice versa. As you lose oxygen to the body, the brain shuts down your organs. You’ll suffer from brain damage or death. Abusing morphine with other opioids has the same effect. They both suppress your ability to breathe.
Another risk of mixing morphine with other substances is you can become addicted to both. When this happens, there is a more complex rehabilitation process. It puts you at risk of overdose when you use two different substances at once. If you’re addicted to one drug, it is easier to abuse another drug on top of it. This can occur for various reasons. Fundamentally, once you’re an addict of one drug, you’re more prone to dependency on others. You might abuse a drug that counterbalances the negative side effects of morphine. For example, if abuse of morphine makes you feel depressed, you may abuse stimulant drugs.
Morphine will reduce anxiety and boost your mood when you take it. This is because it’s affecting the brain. While there might be positive benefits, the reasons behind its ability to block pain can become a problem. Morphine is similar to heroin when it comes to the euphoric feeling. MU, Delta, and Cappa receptors.
When you use morphine, it changes how your brain functions. This change can cause the following:
Many people opt to try and stop taking morphine cold turkey before they will consent to any types of formal rehab. This is actually very dangerous because of the withdrawal symptoms that can result from stopping. Even under the most controlled circumstances, and in a medical environment, stopping use is likely to lead to withdrawal. However, in drug rehab, these symptoms can be managed, and immediate intervention can take place if symptoms become dangerous.
Going to drug rehab will provide you with the support you need so that you can avoid relapsing. You learn what these symptoms mean and how you can best manage them. Having the tools to work through addiction recovery challenges can make all the difference.
It is possible to take morphine and not be all that sure that you’re addicted to it. This happens all the time, and it occurs mostly because people tend to not believe it’s as addictive as other drugs since it’s prescribed by a doctor or given in the hospital. There is also the issue of not wanting to admit the truth to yourself or others. The stigma associated with morphine addiction is that a person is weak. To admit they have a problem would be to admit, they are weak. There are some physical and behavioral signs of addiction that you can look for, and these include:
If you experience any of the above, it’s likely that you’re addicted to this drug. Talking with someone from a drug addiction treatment center can help you understand more details about your personal situation and treatment needs.
Once you’ve decided that you have a problem with morphine abuse or addiction, you need to take the first step to recovery. Before you go into treatment, you need to get clean. The drug must get out of your system, which is done through a process called detoxing.
When you detox, you stop taking the drug and let your body go back to functioning normally. It can take some time to accomplish this goal because it has become dependent on the drug. Morphine is labeled as a Schedule II drug, which means it’s highly addictive but does have medicinal value. It can be swallowed, snorted, smoked and injected. The method of use affects how long it takes to get out of the system. It usually starts working in at least 15 minutes to an hour. You’ll feel the effects of the drug for up to six hours. However, it’s still in the system and can be detected by drug tests for several days.
You’ll start to notice the first symptoms of withdrawal within about 6 hours and up to 12 hours after you last used the drug. It will start with sweating, yawning, a runny nose and watery eyes. This is your body’s way of requesting the drug.
The symptoms continue to worsen up until about two to three days later when they peak. During that time, you’ll experience a variety of problems. The common symptoms include the following:
Regardless of these withdrawal symptoms, you should keep going through the drug detox process. It takes about a week for you to begin to feel good again and even longer for the effects of the symptoms to subside. You can compare it to a really bad case of the flu along with some major emotional and mental issues. It can be months before you notice the cravings disappear and for your body to feel completely normal.
Because morphine is such an addictive drug, many drug detox centers offer medications to help you get through the worst of the process. You can use the same drugs for morphine as for any opioid detox. Three medications have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They include the following:
The goal of all these drugs is to help you move through the detoxing process with fewer and less severe withdrawal symptoms. Another option is to reduce the amount of morphine being used until the body doesn’t need it anymore.
Before you decide this is the way to go, you need to know what each of these drugs do and the negative impact of medical detox.
Buprenorphine is a drug used to reduce side effects and the likelihood of relapse. It produces similar euphoric feelings that aren’t as strong as with the opioid even if you increase the dosage. However, it’s enough to trick the brain into believing everything is normal and to prevent many of the withdrawal symptoms. This medication is allowed to be given in hospitals, correctional facilities and other places where it can be administered by a doctor.
Methadone is another option for medical detox and drug addiction treatment. It’s used to block the high you get from opioid drugs like heroin and morphine. It also provides a less intense euphoric feeling which helps prevent symptoms of withdrawal. It’s not a quick fix. In fact, many people continue taking it for about a year before being weaned off it slowly. You can go to rehab while taking this drug, but it slows down the recovery process.
The third option is naltrexone. It works in a variety of ways. First, it blocks the euphoric effects of the drug so you have no reason to keep using. It also decreases your desire to use and it prevents you from wanting to continue to use if you have a relapse.
While all three of these drugs have benefits with opioid detoxification and treatment, they carry their own risks. They are somewhat addictive but less so than morphine. However, a person can become addicted to them as well. It also slows down the recovery process because you must be weaned off gradually before you can be completely drug-free.
Another option is to attend a drug rehab facility that uses holistic detox. Instead of using drugs to help reduce withdrawal symptoms, a more natural approach is used. The focus is on getting the person healthy through diet and nutrition and letting the immune system do its job.
When your body is lacking certain nutrients, you’re more likely to experience certain side effects, including depression, muscle aches and more. In a holistic detox program, the nutritionist will make sure you’re getting enough nutrients which can reduce or even eliminate some symptoms. This might be difficult but in reality, it gets you past the physical addiction more quickly.
When you go through morphine detox and rehab, you’ll have a good foundation for your recovery. Some people may not want to go home immediately after. There may be a concern that the triggers are still too overwhelming. Your family life might not be as supportive or understanding as you need them to be. This is where PHP comes in. They are also called day programs.
They offer intensive treatment and offer better treatment than a normal outpatient program. They’ve found to be effective for dealing with substance use disorders like morphine addiction. Some hospitalization programs like this are a part of your rehab program. Others will be through hospitals with inpatient or outpatient programs.
Exercise is another important component of this type of program. Working out releases endorphins in the brain that mimic the high that comes from drugs. When the brain gets these chemicals, it will think everything is fine and you’ll experience fewer if any withdrawal symptoms.
Just like with medical detox, a holistic method isn’t a quick fix either. It takes some time to get your system back on the right track. However, you’ll get through the process much faster and you’ll learn important skills to help you feel healthier for the future.
You don’t have to try to detox on your own. With a detox facility, you have staff on hand to help you through the difficult times. They can provide support and even call for emergency medical help if you should need it. Don’t let the fear of withdrawal stop you from getting the assistance you need to begin the path to sobriety.
Because this drug is so highly addictive, experts agree that an inpatient rehab is the answer for those who want to recover from their addictions. This allows for close observation and monitoring during the withdrawal phase, and staff are able to intervene as necessary to provide help to lessen the severity of symptoms. The right type of cognitive-behavioral therapy is also recommended in order to prevent relapsing eventually, and this is best achieved in an inpatient setting.
Getting enough support is so crucial to your recovery when you’re addicted, and you need the wrap-around services that going to an inpatient rehab can provide for you.
While inpatient rehab is recommended for a morphine addiction, it’s not the only option. Outpatient addiction treatment is available. There may be situations where this is your only choice to receive treatment. You may have a family who depends on you to care for them or go to work. If you have other obligations, outpatient programs may offer the flexibility you need to get treatment.
You will find programs that offer therapy during the day, in the evenings and on weekends. Outpatient treatment includes the same components as inpatient rehab. You’ll attend individual and group therapy and continue to be monitored for medications if you’ve been given any.
For outpatient rehab to be successful, you must make lifestyle changes. You can’t be around the same people or places that made you want to use before. You should also have a support network of friends and family who will help you stay strong when the cravings hit.
Regardless of whether you attend an inpatient center or outpatient rehab, you’ll receive the same kinds of treatment. It will help to know what to expect before you go so you can be prepared.
You’ll attend individual counseling sessions with a therapist. During these sessions, you’ll talk about your addiction and any factors that led to your drug abuse. You may have to come to terms with other issues in your past or present. You’ll also work on developing new goals for your life going forward.
Group therapy is also part of treatment. It’s the part many recovering addicts dread. However, it’s essential and often becomes an important part of recovery. You’ll quickly see you aren’t alone. While your story is unique, it’s not unusual. You will build friendships as everyone encourages each other. Here’s a breakdown of the kind of therapies you can expect:
A core treatment for addiction, there are a few different types. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) involves working with you to figure out what your negative thought patterns are that will lead you to abuse drugs or alcohol. There is also Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) which is a form of CBT. It helps you to manage your emotions and learn to cope with triggers which can lead to craving. You also learn how to cope in a positive way.
You’ll work one on one with a therapist. This gives you a chance to solely focus on your needs. You will look deeply into your issues that are potentially the cause of your addiction. It helps you to set goals that will help you succeed with your recovery.
This is where you’ll have the opportunity to speak with others who are also dealing with morphine addiction. You will listen to others and their struggles and get a chance to tell people about your own. A therapist will run these groups and give insight when necessary. Having this community will make you feel less alone in your struggles. You will also be working in a therapeutic environment that allows you to safely go through the healing process of your addiction.
These are a less formal gathering but will still have you coming together with others who are going through morphine addiction recovery. You have a safe environment to discuss issues related to your addiction. There are 12-step groups that you can continue going to once you’re out of rehab also. You can use them as part of your maintenance plan.
Art allow you to express how you feel. It’s known to be very therapeutic and can allow you to express how you feel. You might not feel comfortable talking about your feelings with others or you simply can’t find the words. This is where art therapy can help. It’s believed that this type of therapy can help an addict release deep emotions. Seeing something you created based on your inner emotions can give you insight on how you’re feeling. It also helps your therapist understand you better.
These are two important elements for your mental and physical health. The program will vary depending on what kind of rehab you attend. When you elevate your heart rate for a certain period of time, you can naturally boost your dopamine levels. This is important when it comes to morphine addiction. When the mind becomes dependent on the copious amount of dopamine in the system from the drug, you can easily get depressed when you stop taking morphine. When you feel good, you’re far more likely to stay sober.
In some cases, you may need medication to help you deal with issues surrounding your addiction. Medication use will be monitored in treatment and may even be decreased or eliminated as you near the end of the program. Besides use to prevent relapse, medication may be given if you have a dual diagnosis.
Also known as co-occurring or co-existing disorders, this term means that you have a mental illness and a drug addiction. If you only treat the addiction, you’re likely to relapse and start using again when the symptoms of your mental illness become unbearable. Instead, the therapist will need to treat the mental illness with therapy and possibly medication.
More rehab clinics are paying attention to the whole person and not just focusing on the single goal of treating addiction. With a wellness program, the goal is to help the person feel healthy and more self-confident so they don’t desire to use drugs again. Meditation, yoga, equine therapy are some of the ways to help people through addiction without medication.
Diet and exercise are usually part of the program, but so is social interaction and community involvement. The idea is to help create a well-rounded person who is better able to deal with stress and other triggers while avoiding relapse.
Many drug rehab clinics offer other therapy options besides traditional treatment. They are usually designed to provide new methods of dealing with addiction and the issues behind it. For instance, some people are better at expressing their feelings through art, music or journaling. Others may need to relearn responsibility or how to relate to others which is demonstrated through equine therapy or gardening therapy. Yoga and outdoor activities help a person release stress without turning to drugs or other negative behaviors.
While engaging in these activities, it doesn’t even feel like therapy. You can have fun while doing something positive in treatment. It also allows the therapist to observe you and learn more about your personality and struggles with addiction and life.
An inpatient rehab program is traditionally going to last for 28 days. This will include both your detox and rehab. Afterwards, there will be an outpatient treatment strategy that is designed for you. Your stay will be in a safe and supportive environment. Healthy meals are available and you’ll always have professional rehab staff to talk to when you need it.
While going through detox, you’ll get medicated assisted treatment if necessary. If you are suffering from complex disorders like dual diagnosis, you’ll get treatment that is geared towards mental health issues. The things you’ll go through on a daily basis with inpatient rehab will reduce the chances of relapse. You have the opportunity to focus solely on your recovery without distraction.
In this campus setting, you’ll be kept busy with treatments that were put together for your specific needs. This will include group peer support meetings, one on one therapy, and physical activities. Everyday will be a little different as you work through your addiction and gain the fundamentals of success for recovery.
Addiction and mental illness can co-exist together, making morphine rehab a more complex treatment plan. This is known as co-occurring disorder. Each addict has a different story as to how they came to have this disorder. Some people would have had mental health issues when they were younger. They may have experimented with drugs or alcohol and developed dependency. One of the symptoms of having certain mood disorders is that they’re more susceptible to abusing substances. Other people may have started abusing drugs which caused mental health issues to occur.
Any combination of mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders are called a co-occurring disorder. For example, morphine and PTSD would fit under this disorder. The disorders become tightly intertwined and exacerbate each other. It is challenging to know what symptoms each disorder is causing.
Symptoms of this disorder include:
It’s important that a person get intensive medical help along with therapeutic intervention for disorders at the same time. The strategies that come from psychiatry and addiction treatment will need to be implemented at the same time. According to SAMHSA this can lower the chance of relapse and reduce any attempts of self-harm. Facilities that offer co-occurring disorder treatment will have specialized staff who have gone through training.
Here are some of the strategies:
If you have a family member abusing morphine or possibly addicted, you may be feeling concerned and rightly so. You should sit down with them and talk about the dangers of morphine addiction. Try to be factual and use statistics and information about the subject rather than sounding accusatory. Even if you are trying to avoid a confrontation, the other person may not listen. However, they may not realize the issues of addiction and your information may help them see their need for treatment.
If this doesn’t happen, you can also look for help with an intervention. Instead of you being the one to say something, several family members and friends meet with the addict to express their concerns. It often causes them to see the problem when so many people are saying the same thing.
Don’t give up on your loved one. You can help them see their need for treatment. Even if it doesn’t appear that they are listening, your words just might be getting through. It’s important to address your concern about their potential morphine addiction. Only about 10% of addicts will ask for the help they need. When you don’t talk about it, you are only enabling them to continue. It might seem like you’re being cruel by forcing someone to look at their problems. In this case, you may be saving their life.
There are various different kinds of rehab and they all come with different costs. There are private facilities that may be covered through your insurance. There are also government run programs that may be completely subsidized. Church groups in your area may offer a program as well. Today, there is nobody excluded from getting the help they need.
It’s possible that you’re concerned about the cost of rehab, and you’ve put off getting more information because you know you just can’t afford to pay for it yourself. Unfortunately, there are so many people who feel this way, and they don’t realize that paying for drug rehab yourself is no longer required for most people.
The Affordable Care Act has made it possible for everyone who wants to get help from addiction treatment programs to do so. Through this act, your medicare or medicaid has many options available to you. They may come at no cost or you’ll pay based on a sliding scale. Also, if you do have insurance, they are obligated to provide you with some form of addiction rehab coverage. Insurance companies are now required to provide payments for this type of addiction treatment, which is such a great change in our country’s healthcare laws. You can easily find out what your insurance coverage is by contacting drug rehab centers and asking for an intake over the phone. If you choose a participating facility, you may find that you don’t have to pay anything toward your treatment yourself.
It’s recommended that you get the best care you can when it comes to morphine addiction rehab. Morphine addiction is serious and there might be more options for you as you’re at a high risk. Government programs may be available to you for free. This can include some form of rehab and perhaps hospitalization. There are halfway houses that offer you a safe place to further recover if necessary. While the luxury options wouldn’t be available to you, there may be some programs that allow you to stay in a house with other recovering addicts free of charge.
Narcotics Anonymous meetings are always free. They offer you a safe place to talk about your struggles and give you the opportunity to hear from other people in similar circumstances. It’s important to know that you’re not the only one going through morphine addiction. These meetings are available all over the country. There is also online resources that allow you to go to live chat rooms, forums, and real time meetings. You can build a community of support through groups like this.
Some people don’t like the format of 12-step program. If this is the case, there is also SMART Recovery. They are another free program with many online resources. They have live meetings available. Their incentives and methods work a little differently which may be more of an advantage to you.
There is also free family support through organizations like Al-Anon and Alateen. This allows your loved ones to learn more about addiction and get the support they might need.
It makes sense that if you’re going to get professional help for a morphine addiction that you would want to invest in only the best treatment programs you can find in the State of Washington. Morphine treatment centers are not all the same, and it’s important to know how to choose the best that will be able to offer you the support and help you need for a successful recovery. Knowing what questions to ask can be helpful, and so, you should always ask the following:
Hopefully you have come to realize how serious morphine addiction is. For centuries, it has caused addiction despite what kind of form it’s been given for people to take. It’s highly addictive nature is similar to heroin. You will lose everything that matters to you if you don’t get the help you need. Morphine isn’t like other substances where you can continue to function while abusing it. As you become more tolerant to the drug, you will inhibit behavioral changes. This is what the drug does to the brain.
Your options include getting the help you need. The rehabilitation process will give you all the tools you need. There are many different options for rehab that can suit your needs. Once the process begins, they can access what you need. That means, if you’re not ready after a 28 day inpatient rehab program, the facility can get you into sober living or something else that works for you. You won’t be alone again once you start the process and ask for help.
At Northpoint Washington, we have helped many people get past morphine addiction. We create a detox and rehab program that are unique to you. We use the most up-to-date methods that will help you get past morphine addiction. When you enter into our inpatient or outpatient programs, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. We offer you a safe place to begin the healing process. We also help you reconnect with your family through therapy which is an important part of everyone’s healing. We know that without help, you’ll struggle with this addiction your whole life with the likelihood of relapse. If you have questions about the recovery process or want to verify your insurance, contact us today. You can start your journey of recovery right now.
We are an inpatient drug and alcohol detox and rehab facility in Edmonds, Washington, with others in Idaho and Washington state. We have a low patient-to-staff ratio so you can get the attention you need when dealing with something as serious as morphine drug abuse. We use a holistic approach to help you begin the process of recovery with a focus on healthy lifestyle changes, socialization and community building. You can enjoy an afternoon of hiking or a yoga class as part of your treatment program.
If you want to know more about our program or about morphine addiction in general, contact us today.
Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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