Our Washington Location
Our inpatient facility is located in Washington, and will serve Washington state. It will provide a safe & therapeutic environment for both our staff and patients.
- Edmonds
7416 212th St SW,
Edmonds, WA 98026
When you think about it, you spend a third of your life asleep, or at least you should. Not everyone is able to get the kind of restful sleep that they wish they could, and for these individuals, sleeping medications are often a helpful solution. However, there can be problems that arise when medications are taken for longer than they should be, or when dosages are increased without the doctor’s consent.
Lunesta is a sleeping medication that is often given to provide short-term help for sleeping issues. Unfortunately, it’s very addictive, and although it is effective at helping people get better sleep at night, it’s easy to form a dependence on it and feel as though you need it to get any sleep whatsoever. Users often find that they quickly develop a tolerance to Lunesta, and so they take more and more of it in order to get the same results.
If you’re addicted to Lunesta, it’s important to understand that this medication has some significant short and long term effects. Lunesta treatment centers are able to provide you with the Lunesta addiction help you need so that you can recover from your addiction.
Even though sleeping medications have their place, and can certainly be beneficial to anyone with a sleep disorder, they also have many downfalls as well. The longer you take them, the higher the probability is that you will become addicted to them. Also, medications like Lunesta carry a lot of risks that you might not be aware of. For example, many people find that they end up sleepwalking when they take Lunesta. What’s even more surprising is the fact they were able to complete various tasks, such as having sex, making phone calls or even driving their cars.
This is very dangerous, and there are other short term effects Lunesta can produce as well, including:
As Lunesta is taken longer, it’s also possible to develop high blood pressure, have hallucinations or suffer from memory loss.
For these reasons, it’s so important to consider Lunesta rehabs as the best way for you to leave this dangerous addiction behind.
Whenever a drug like Lunesta is stopped suddenly, withdrawal symptoms are always a factor. Lunesta withdrawal is very unpleasant, and symptoms can become so severe that people often go right back to using just to get some type of relief from them. Some of the more common Lunesta withdrawal symptoms include:
It’s important to stop a medication like Lunesta slowly so that your risk of exacerbating any of these symptoms can be reduced. Also, it’s important to note that Lunesta treatment programs have protective measures in place that can lessen the severity of withdrawal.
Inpatient Lunesta rehab is the best option for you if you suffer from this type of addiction, and there are a few reasons for this. Inpatient Lunesta rehab provides you with the support you need as you stop your use of the drug through group therapy. It can be so helpful to talk with others who understand what you’re going through when you’re recovering from an addiction. Counseling will also be important for you during your recovery because you’ll learn why you became addicted to this medication. Finally, you’ll be able to get relief from your withdrawal symptoms, and you’ll be in a safe place where relapsing is impossible. An inpatient setting provides you with the best support, which is crucial during recovery.
VERIFY YOUR INSURANCEContinuing to use Lunesta despite the negative consequences is one of the signs that you have a Lunesta addiction. It can be hard to come to terms with the fact that you’re addicted to this drug. You may not have even known that it was possible to form an addiction to it. However, once you have, it’s so important to get professional help so that you can stop before your addiction progresses any further.
At Northpoint Washington, we’re considered to be one of the best Lunesta rehab programs in Washington. We have offered Lunesta addiction help to so many people who have come to us struggling with this addiction in the past. Our recovery rates are very high when compared to national averages, and we’re confident that we can provide you with the support you need during this important time in your life.
If you have questions regarding Lunesta rehab cost, what you can expect when you go to Lunesta rehabs, or anything else, we’d be happy to talk with you and get you the answers you need to make the right decision for your recovery. Please contact us today.