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Alcohol’s Impact on Mental Health

If you are not familiar with dual diagnosis, it is the occurrence of both a mental health disorder and substance use disorder in one person. The impact of alcohol on one’s mental health is profound. Many who suffer from mental health disorders like depression also fall victim to a substance use disorder. On the flip side, depression is one of the many effects of substance use disorders like alcohol abuse. The two are very intertwined. It may start when you use alcohol to self-medicate to make you feel better or forget about your problems. But, it can quickly turn into an addiction that you can’t control. To learn more about co-occurring disorders and how to treat them, give the Northpoint Washington team a call at 888.450.2153.

The Link Between Alcohol and Mental Health

While co-occurring disorders have been treated together for decades now, for hundreds of years before, they weren’t. Although it has always been typical for a substance use disorder to occur alongside a mental illness, doctors may not have treated different conditions because their symptoms looked similar.

Many people drink or take drugs to try and reduce the symptoms of their mental health disorder. So whether you call it a co-occurring disorder or not, it has been happening for longer than we probably know.

Not every addiction treatment facility specializes in dual diagnosis treatment, so finding one that does is vital. There are significant benefits to the patient when substance abuse and mental health disorders receive treatment simultaneously. Separately treating the conditions will not help therapists identify and treat the root issues that lead to the diseases.

Treating Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-Occurring disorders can be challenging to understand as the patient. You may not be able to recognize that you have more than one issue you need to resolve. The symptoms can look very similar. When you suffer from a mental illness, it can take over your world and impact everything, especially your perspective. Sometimes it’s hard even to recognize that you have a problem. Alcohol abuse may seem like something that goes along with the territory.

Some of the mental health disorders that can occur with addiction are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Postpartum depression
  • Sleep disorders

While self-medicating to deal with a mental illness is prevalent, one doesn’t need to lead explicitly to the other. Either way, having both issues present simultaneously only exacerbates both conditions and makes treatment and recovery more challenging. People suffering from both conditions often feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to treat their conditions. Many may even feel there’s no way to recover from what they are going through.

At Northpoint Washington, we want people to understand that there is a way out from under the burden of co-occurring conditions. Both are treatable, and recovery is possible. A treatment facility focused on treating you, and your conditions is your best option to overcome and thrive for the long haul.

Northpoint Washington Offers Individualized Outpatient Treatment Programs

Our patients received the highest level of care possible. We pride ourselves on offering complete mental health treatment to those individuals struggling with a substance use disorder, like alcohol addiction. This dual diagnosis treatment approach helps our patients make a lasting recovery.

We offer a comprehensive suite of inpatient services, including:

  • Drug rehab
  • Alcohol detox
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Medicated detox
  • Holistic treatment
  • One-on-one counseling

Our team is ready to answer any questions you have about co-occurring disorders and how to treat them. Give us a call today at 888.450.2153.