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Vapes Addiction in Washington

Vapes Addiction: Hazards and Vapes Information to Consider

Electronic cigarettes were created as a way to offer alternatives to smoking because of the number of people who have died because of conventional cigarettes. They began being sold in 2007 in the United States, and they provide a way for users to get nicotine without having to ingest the volatile and dangerous chemicals that are found in cigarettes.

Of course, these devices were soon found to be suitable for other purposes as well, and they are currently used as delivery systems for a host of different drugs. Vapes use can even be problematic when conventional e-cigarette juice is used when the devices have been modified to produce higher amounts of formaldehyde, or when they work at higher voltage or wattage levels.

In the same way that cigarettes are addictive, vapes are also addictive. In fact, in some cases, research has shown that cigarettes may actually be much safer. Whether you’ve been participating in vapes abuse, or you believe that you may actually be a vapes addict, getting the right vapes addiction facts can help you learn more about your use of these substances and devices.

Vapes Addiction Information

The Vapes Abuse Definition: What is Vapes Abuse? What is Vapes Addiction?

Some of the more current vapes abuse statistics indicate that vapes is an addiction that is likely to be around for quite some time. Vapes abuse refers to the use of vapes, but without feeling as though you have to use them. For example, some people may want to try them just because they’re new to the market, and the devices themselves seem to be interesting. However, it isn’t until you begin to show some vapes addiction symptoms that you have actually formed an addiction. Some of the signs of vapes addiction may be:

  • Experiencing an irregular heart rate
  • Experiencing breathing problems
  • Going through withdrawal when you stop using vapes
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Becoming dizzy or fainting

These vapes addiction signs are clear indicators that you do have an addiction that requires professional treatment.

For Vapes Addicts: Understanding the Symptoms of Withdrawal from Vapes

Most addictions lead to symptoms of withdrawal, and vapes are certainly no exception. You may consider stopping your use of vapes on your own, without consulting a professional, and this could cause you a lot of physical problems. Some common withdrawal symptoms from vapes might involve:
  • Having an upset stomach
  • Painful or debilitating headaches
  • Lower heart rates
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Weight gain

Getting help for your vapes addiction can assist with alleviating these symptoms and give you a much better outlook for recovery from your addiction.

Vapes Addiction Treatment

Vapes Abuse Facts: Vapes Addiction Treatment Programs in WA State Can Help

Depending on the substances you’re using in your vapes, and how your device has been modified, you could experience all kinds of serious problems because of your vapes addiction. Some common effects of vapes, both in the short and long-term, include:

  • Problems with your heart
  • Issues with your immune system
  • Increase in your blood pressure
  • Stomach problems
  • Consistent, painful headaches
  • Trouble sleeping at night 

Vapes use is not only dangerous on its own, but many experts believe that vapes are actually a gateway drug that can lead to much more serious addictions down the road. If you’re addicted to vapes, it’s critical for you to get professional help right away so that you can recover from your addiction. 

Here at Northpoint Recovery, we’ve had the opportunity to work with many people who have been addicted to vapes. We understand how serious this addiction is, and we’re confident that we have the tools to help you, just as we helped them. If you would like to learn more about your vapes addiction treatment options at Northpoint Recovery, please contact us today.

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