
Sonata Addiction in Washington

Sonata Addiction: Sonata Information for Those who May be Sonata Addicts

In the United States, one of the most popular reasons for visiting the doctor is because people have trouble sleeping. This results in a very high number of sleeping pill prescriptions every single year, and Sonata is often one that is prescribed the most. In fact, Sonata abuse statistics tell us that:

  • In 2011, there were 60 million sleeping pill prescriptions filled in the U.S.
  • About 1 in 500 children in the United States is on a sleeping pill
  • If you use sleeping pills you have a 44% higher risk of getting some type of infection
  • Suicide rates are much higher in those who take sleeping pills regularly
  • 9 million people currently take a sleeping pill every single month

Sleeping pills like Sonata should only be taken for short periods of time. Otherwise, they can lead to addiction. People tend to rely on them for weeks, or even months at a time, and this type of Sonata abuse is problematic for so many who don’t even realize that it’s possible to become addicted to them. Perhaps you believe you may be a Sonata addict, and you’re in search of some Sonata addiction facts that can help you understand what you should do. You’re in the right place to get the Sonata abuse facts you need.

Sonata Addiction Information

The Sonata Abuse Definition: What is Sonata Abuse? What is Sonata Addiction?

Sonata abuse and Sonata addiction are both very different conditions. When you’re abusing Sonata, you haven’t developed any of the signs of Sonata addiction yet, but you might be taking the drug for longer than you should, taking more of the drug than you should, or taking it in a way that goes against how the doctor prescribed it. Sonata abuse can easily lead to a Sonata addiction unless the medication is stopped in time.

A Sonata addiction can be recognized by any of the following Sonata addiction signs:

  • When you feel as though your current dosage of Sonata isn’t working for you anymore
  • When you increase your dosage of Sonata on your own without talking with your doctor
  • When you feel as though you need Sonata to function
  • When you go through symptoms of withdrawal when Sonata is stopped
  • When you’re unable to stop taking Sonata on your own

Quitting Sonata on Your Own and the Symptoms of Withdrawal

Even though Sonata is considered one of the more mild sleeping pills, extended use of it is still likely to result in withdrawal symptoms when it is stopped. You might experience:

  • Symptoms of depression
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • An upset stomach
  • Onset of convulsions
  • Excessive hot or cold sweats

People tend to have a difficult time with these symptoms, and so they create an addiction cycle by going back to using Sonata to get relief.

Sonata Addiction Treatment

Choosing Sonata Addiction Treatment Programs in Washington State for Recovery

Continued Sonata use can have a devastating effect on your body. The short and long-term effects of Sonata include: 

  • Completing dangerous activities while asleep (such as driving and cooking)
  • Loss of memory
  • Drowsiness throughout the day
  • Severe mood swings
  • Problems with coordination

No matter how long you’ve been taking Sonata, if you’ve begun to recognize some of the more common Sonata addiction symptoms within your own life, it’s definitely time to consider getting professional help for an addiction. 

At Northpoint Recovery, we recognize how difficult it can be to stop using Sonata on your own. Many people try, and they are usually not successful. Even so, you don’t have to continue to live your life as a slave to your addiction. Help is available, and just as we’ve helped many others to recover from their Sonata addictions, we’re confidant that we can help you too. 

If you would like to learn more, please contact us today.
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