
About Hydroxyzine Abuse, Addiction and Detox

Hydroxyzine Addiction, Abuse and Detox: What is it and How Can You Recover?

Hydroxyzine is a medication that many people abuse without realizing the dangers of it. It is possible to become addicted to this medication, and many people do. If you're currently taking it, you may wonder why it has been so difficult for you to stop. It's possible that you are already addicted.

Fortunately, hydroxyzine abuse and addiction can be remedied. However, it does require that you receive professional treatment to stop taking it successfully. By going through hydroxyzine detox, you can get the assistance you need to recover.

This concept might be fairly new to you, regardless of how long you've been taking this drug. We'd like to offer you information so that you're educated on its dangers and risks. We'd also like to provide you with everything you need to know about detoxing from hydroxyzine for your recovery.

What is the Hydroxyzine Drug?

Hydroxyzine is a medication that is classified as an antihistamine. It has a number of different uses, and is prescribed under several different names, including:

  • Hydroxyzine HCL
  • Atarax
  • Vistaril
  • Hydroxyzine Pamoate
  • Hyzine
  • Vistazine

This is not an over-the-counter medication, and must be prescribed by a doctor. Patients are always cautioned to follow their physicians' instructions exactly when taking this drug. It's usually prescribed two to three times a day, but many people choose to only take it at bedtime. It does have sedating qualities.

The number of prescriptions for Atarax has increased over time. According to statistical reports, there were just over 5,000,000 prescriptions written for it in 2004. By 2015, that number jumped to more than 7,500,000.

The increase in prescriptions would indicate that abuse is also becoming more common. However, because this drug isn't one that is typically abused, no studies have been done. You can find many instances of abuse by searching online forums likeBluelight and Reddit. It may be a drug that is in its infancy for abuse, but it could potentially become more common in the years to come.

Vistaril is prescribed for several different reasons. It is often given to patients who suffer from severe allergies because it helps with itching. It may also be prescribed to patients who experience itching when they take prescription opiate medications. Many doctors will use it to treat anxiety in the short-term. Its sedative effects can be helpful to relax patients before they have surgery as well.

Hydroxyzine Pamoate Abuse

People who abuse hydroxyzine pamoate will usually use it because of the euphoria they experience. In lower doses, such as 10mg, the medication may only be mildly sedating. However, when hydroxyzine pamoate is taken in higher doses, the euphoria becomes intensified.

The increase in the number of prescriptions for hydroxyzine indicates that this medication is in high demand. Doctors and patients alike seem to view it as a drug with lower risks compared to benzodiazepines. Because it is physically non-habit forming, it's often chosen more frequently.

Most people who abuse it may be doing so inadvertently. They may notice that their normal dose doesn't work as well as it once did. This indicates that they are forming a tolerance to it. To compensate for this, they may increase their dosage on their own. This is a classic form of abuse, and it will result in a euphoric hydroxyzine high.

Eventually, these individuals may continue upping their dosages to feel the effects of the drug. They may even start using their medication in alternate ways to see what it does.

There are several different ways in which people taking Atarax may use it to get high. They may:

  • Continue taking higher and higher doses.
  • Crush the pills and then snort the powder.
  • Chew the pills instead of swallowing them with water.
  • Combine their medication with other drugs or with alcohol.
  • Dissolving the pills in water or another solution and injecting them.

The hydroxyzine high is very euphoric. It can quickly reduce anxiety, which is one of the reasons it's so popular. Abusers indicate that they usually experience an uplifted mood according to accounts onErowid. It is very sedating, especially in higher doses. It also can make you much more sociable and talkative. For people who struggle with anxiety, this is a desirable trait.

For any drug, chronic abuse can lead to addiction. You will form a tolerance as you continue taking it, and as your dose increases over time. Eventually, you will start to believe that you need hydroxyzine to feel like yourself.

What are the Recovery Rates for People Addicted to This Drug?

Addiction recovery rates are about the same across the board. However, research does show that they may be a little higher for a drug that is non-habit forming.

Hydroxyzine Addiction Information

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40% and 60% of addicts recover after treatment. By getting the right kind of help, it's possible to increase that percentage. You also have a better chance of remaining in recovery if you continue to get support after treatment is over.

What Makes Hydroxyzine HCL So Addictive?

Hydroxyzine is not known to be physically addictive at all. Again, this is one of the reasons so many doctors probably prescribe it so freely. However, it can become psychologically addictive very quickly.

When you get used to experiencing the Hydroxyzine HCL high, you may come to feel that you need it. It's something that you get used to, and you eventually may not know how to function without it. This is what makes it so addictive, and why treatment is necessary for recovery.

The signs and symptoms of an addiction to Vistaril are hard to miss. Still, people tend to have a hard time believing that they have become addicted to this medication. They may realize that their use of it is problematic, but they're not ready to call it an addiction. This may largely stem from the fact that Vistaril is considered non-addictive, physically.

If you're addicted to Vistaril, you may or may not be aware of the problem. There are certain signs that you should be looking for to indicate that you may need treatment. They include:

  • Struggling with important relationships in your life.
  • Hiding your Vistaril use from the people you love.
  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop using.
  • Continuing to use Vistaril even though you're having negative effects.
  • Neglecting activities with your loved ones because you'd rather use.
  • Being unable to stop using even when you want to.
  • Obsessing about using your medication, or having enough on hand.
  • Purchasing Vistaril illegally.
  • Finding that you need to continually increase your dosage to get the same effects.

If you can relate to any of these, it indicates that you may have an addiction to Vistaril. If you're still unsure, you can start by taking a prescription drug addiction quiz. This will give you additional information.

If you are addicted to Vistazine, you need to get the right kind of treatment. This may involve a period of detoxification and rehabilitation. It's not recommended for you to stop taking this drug cold turkey. Doing so can eventually result in a relapse if you begin to get intense cravings for it. While relapses do happen, they can be avoided with professional help.

What are the Side Effects of Atarax?

Every drug or medication you take is going to have potential side effects. Sometimes these will linger, and other times they will go away with continued use of the drug. Regardless of how long you've been using this medication, it's important to know the side effects of Atarax.

When you begin taking Atarax, you may notice some significant mental changes. You may find that you have extreme mood swings. Sometimes people suffer from confusion or hallucinations. You could also become restless; especially when you first start taking it.

These are considered to be serious side effects, and they should always be discussed with your doctor. It's best not to assume that they will go away, because they may not.

Physical side effects from Atarax are also quite common. You may notice any of the following:

  • Blurred vision
  • A dry mouth
  • Bouts of constipation
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Excessive drowsiness or fatigue

Occasionally, more severe side effects may present themselves. These can include:

  • Body tremors or shaking
  • Problems with urination
  • A fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Swelling or itching consistent with an allergic reaction

In the short-term, the above side effects are what people can expect to experience. However, if they take higher doses than what they are prescribed, these effects may be intensified. Also, they do run the risk of experiencing complications at the higher dosages, even with short-term use.

If you have been taking hydroxyzine long-term, you may be unaware of the risks involved. This is not supposed to be a long-term drug. Usually, doctors advise only staying on it regularly for a few weeks. After that, it's acceptable to be used on an as-needed basis.

According to Wikipedia, the long-term use of Hydroxyzine is connected to tardive dyskinesia. This is a disorder that causes repetitive and involuntary muscle movements. People with this condition may jerk their bodies or move slowly. They may also not be able to control their grimacing or sticking out their tongues.

Some doctors also believe that there may be undue stress on the heart with long-term hydroxyzine use. Eventually, it can lead to heart arrhythmias and even cardiac arrest in some people.

Is it Dangerous to Combine Hydroxyzine Pamoate With Other Drugs or Alcohol?

Hydroxyzine pamoate has many contraindications with other drugs, according to Some of the ones they list are:

  • Adderall – It's effects are completely the opposite of what hydroxyzine does in the body.
  • Benadryl – This medication is also an antihistamine and it may increase the side effects of both drugs.
  • Gabapentin – Combining this medication with hydroxyzine pamoate may also increase side effects. Elderly people are to be especially warned.
  • Norco – This drug is an opiate pain reliever, and combining it with hydroxyzine is not recommended. Taking both together can result in central nervous system depression, among other dangerous outcomes.
  • Alcohol – Drinking alcohol while taking hydroxyzine can be dangerous. The nervous system side effects can be increased, and judgment may be even more impaired.

If you're taking Atarax, please inform your doctor before you take any other medication. Also, you should refrain from drinking or using illicit drugs while using this medicine. You may suffer from interactions that could make you sick, or even put your life at risk.

Hydroxyzine may be considered for some people going through alcohol withdrawal. When compared to benzodiazepines, it presents fewer risks due to its non-addictive properties. This medication is very sedating, and it results in a calming sensation for people with anxiety. It's also very effective for the treatment of other alcohol withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.

However, there may be times when hydroxyzine isn't the best option for someone going through alcohol withdrawal. It's not recommended for patients who suffer from ulcers or heart problems. It may not be safe for those with liver disease either.

Using hydroxyzine to self-medicate your alcohol withdrawal symptoms is not recommended. It may seem as though it would work, but it could cause more harm than good.

Treating a Vistazine Addiction the Correct Way

If you are addicted to Vistazine, you need to get the right kind of treatment. This may involve a period of detoxification and rehabilitation. It's not recommended for you to stop taking this drug cold turkey. Doing so can eventually result in a relapse if you begin to get intense cravings for it. While relapses do happen, they can be avoided with professional help.

Is it Necessary to Detox From Vistaril?

Most professional addiction treatment experts agree that patients should go through a quality drug detox program. This is going to assist you as you get through the difficulties of withdrawal. You may experience symptoms that take you by surprise, and you might not know how to manage them. Not to mention that attempting to manage them on your own can be dangerous.

It's much safer to detox in a professional drug detoxification center. This will ensure that you're treating the physical side of your addiction the right way.

Sometimes people insist upon doing an at-home drug detox when they're addicted to Atarax. This might be something that sounds appealing to you as well. However, you need to know that it might not be safe for you to do it.

You could end up experiencing complications that result in a need for immediate medical help. If that's the case, and you're alone, you may not be able to get it.

If you refuse to enter into professional treatment, talk with your doctor. They may be able to offer you some guidance on how to safely detox from Atarax. At the very least, they need to know what you intend to do.

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms You Might Experience

Even when you take a drug that isn't physically addictive, you still can experience physical withdrawal symptoms. This is important for you to understand, and why you shouldn't just stop taking hydroxyzine HCL on your own.

Some hydroxyzine withdrawal symptoms may be mild in nature, and others may be more severe. You could experience any combination of the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Brain fog or trouble with concentration
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Insomnia or other sleep associated issues
  • A return of your anxiety
  • Possible panic attacks
  • Cravings for your medication
  • Stomach pain and cramps
  • Bouts of constipation

Fortunately, many of these symptoms can be controlled with the proper treatment. It's important for you to know what you can expect during your hydroxyzine detox.

The Process of Detoxing From Hydroxyzine

Every Vistaril detox program addresses this addiction in a different way. However, most agree that it's not necessary to stop the use of it abruptly. Doing this can drive the body into shock, which can be counterproductive, and make the recovery even more difficult. Instead, they usually begin with a medical taper.

Tapering off hydroxyzine means that you will take smaller and smaller doses over time. You may have a slight sense of discomfort as you adjust, but your body will get used to it. Eventually, you'll be ready to come off the medication altogether.

This is a difficult question to answer. Most doctors would advise against prescribing a potentially addictive medication to someone with this addiction. You could eventually just trade one addiction for the other. However, there may be some medications given to you as preventative measures.

For instance, if you are considered to be a seizure risk, you may be given an anticonvulsant. If doctors are concerned about your blood pressure or heart rate, they may be prescribe something to help.

You will most likely find that your doctor will lean toward a more holistic approach during your detoxification. This will involve improving your overall health during your stay at the detox center. You may meet with a nutritionist to make some changes to your diet. They will want to see that you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. You will also probably begin an exercise program.

Both of these methods are going to work well to help your body get rid of toxins associated with Vistaril. Those toxins are what is causing you to have withdrawal symptoms. When you're eating properly, and drinking enough water, you will notice that your body is prepared to process them. You will also release excess toxins through your sweat when you exercise.

What to do After You Have Detoxed

Once you have gone through hydroxyzine detoxification, you'll need to take the next step in your recovery. This will involve going to a hydroxyzine rehab for further treatment. You may find that you're feeling much better after you detox, and it may even seem like you're ready to go home. However, you need to address the mental part of your addiction.

There was a reason why you began to abuse hydroxyzine. That reason is what eventually led to your addiction. It's vital for you to figure out what the cause of it was. If you don't, you won't be able to get the proper treatment to help you recover.

Can You Overdose on Hydroxyzine?

Most people think of this drug as being fairly safe and mild when compared to other substances. However, it is possible to suffer from a hydroxyzine overdose. This most often happens when people attempt to recover on their own, and then they relapse.

If you overdose on hydroxyzine, you may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Problems with urination
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurry vision
  • Enlarged pupils
  • A fast heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Delirium and/or hallucinations
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Problems with coordination
  • Flushed skin

You need to get immediate medical attention if you or a loved one suspects an overdose. Otherwise, it can be fatal.

A Hydroxyzine Addiction Treatment Program in Edmonds, WA is What You Need

We can help you here at Northpoint Washington in Bellevue if you are abusing or are addicted to hydroxyzine. We offer an excellent detoxification program that can help you meet your recovery goals. We also have a rehabilitation center, which is essential for your long-term recovery.

It's not easy to admit that you're a drug addict. You may not have even thought it was possible to get addicted to Vistaril. Now that you are, you're wondering what your next step should be. We want to assure you that recovery is possible. You only need the right kind of support.

How can we answer your questions about hydroxyzine abuse, addiction and detox? Please contact us right away at 888.450.2153.

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